• Hi,
    I need some help, please.
    When customers purchase on my e-commerce site by credit card, a failure message is displayed. The customer is invited to retry the payment while the payment is passed and well paid to my payment operator that I can consult via my app.
    My online payment operator is called “pro payment. Here’s the mistake the message that appears:

    call_user_func_array() expects parameter1 to be a valid callback, classWC_Gateway_Paiementpro does not have amethod ’email_instructions’ in /htdocs/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 310

    Thanks you for your help

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  • The error message you’re seeing is related to a function trying to call a method named email_instructions in the WC_Gateway_Paiementpro class, but it can’t find this method.

    This email_instructions method is typically used in WooCommerce payment gateway plugins to add instructions to the order confirmation email that is sent to customers after they make a purchase. It seems like your payment gateway plugin is trying to use this method, but it hasn’t been defined in the WC_Gateway_Paiementpro class.

    Here are a few things you can try to fix this issue:

    1. Update the Plugin: If there’s an update available for your payment gateway plugin, try updating it. The issue might be a bug that has been fixed in a newer version of the plugin.
    2. Contact the Plugin Developer: If updating the plugin doesn’t work, you should contact the developer of the plugin. They might be aware of the issue and be able to provide a fix.

    I hope that helps.

    Thread Starter ltimaee480


    Good morning,

    Thank you very much for those answers.We looked and tried to see what was wrong. We thought it was related to an invoice modification extension that remained checked on failed by default. The extension was disabled without success.We no longer have a message about the “callback error” but a message saying:”Unfortunately your order does notcan be processed as the bank ororiginal merchant has reviewed yourtransaction. Please make a newattempted purchase”. However, the payment is well done and I can also see it in the financial transaction management tool.

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