• Greetings all!

    I have searched for a day, high and low, to no avail. I have a client who uses Indesign for his newspaper. I really want to use WordPress to design his new online newspaper, but there is one obvious problem – the Indesign to WordPress workflow.

    Getting the client to use another platform for publishing is NOT an option.

    From what I have found (limited info.) there seems to be several ways to accomplish what I need.

    1. Tag all content in Indesign, then export to an .xml file and import that into WordPress. (client would then need knowledge of tags and would have to tag all his content in Indesign)

    2. I buy a MAC and then buy Pagezypher software.. not really an option I’m clueless with MACs.

    3. Export Indesign content to .pdf and then import .pdf to WordPress (doesn’t even seem to be a viable option).

    This is all I can come up with, so please someone help!

    I think my best option would be to export the Indesign content to .xml and then import that to WordPress, but this is where I’m really having trouble.

    Can someone please point me in the right direction on how to structure the .xml tags to be converted into posts (with headings, content, and of course how to use the pictures in subfolders). I’m truly lost at this point and despite a day of searching I cannot find anything resembling answers.

    Many thanks to anyone willing to help!

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  • Hi.
    Yes, agreed – the solutions out there a limited.
    We have a ‘PDF Trawler’ solution for our own proprietary software (user simply exports hundreds of articles to the website within minutes) and we are researching what is required to build something similar for WordPress.
    I will let you know how we go, but certainly would be encouraged to see someone else out there doing it.

    do you have more information you could share on how to tag content and then create the xml file?

    I will look further into the Pagezypher program. Didn’t know this exists.

    we are very interested in an export/import ability from indesign to wordpress. we produce 20+ magazines and we like to have all the artikels published to wordpress.
    Can we work together on this?

    send me an email, always happy to put heads together

    Hi all,

    I dough a little deeper into the Pagezypher program.
    In does indeed export to wordpress, but only to their wordpress.com account. It has something to with copyrights…

    I still think the xml tagging is the best way to go. As it’s the most flexible solution. But I can’t seem to find any good info on this.
    I’m a noob when it comes to indesign, but i know way around xml.

    so far step 1) tag content 2) export to xml 3)use the inport function/plugin to import the posts.
    we use the plugin daily to copy content from one wordpress site to another.

    So no programming required, but can anyone provide me with info on the tagging?

    thank you

    I′m facing the same challenge, a Designed Magazin with 164 sites should be available on IPad. The magazine should look the same way on the ipad like it looks like on the iPad. There seem to be an solution from a company named woodwing but it′s preety expensive and I would prefer WordPress.
    Do you have any more solutions found out yet.
    One of my ideas was just to make jpegs from the magazin pages. But these were just a first thought.

    Have a nice day.


    Yes, we receievd a quote from woodwing. 11.000€ for the very most basic installation. content station and ipad publishing tools.
    AND they have a ready build connector for wordpress.
    fyi Time magazine on ipad is created by woodwing.

    But you can export your indesing file to epub which is readable with an ipad. Maybe even a pdf. but you need an app to publish it in the ipad store.

    still i’m no further with an easy way to export from indesign to wordpress. I need to come up with the cash to buy woodwing.

    Yes I′ve got an quote from woodwing as well wich is about 8.000€.
    I′m not shure if it makes sense to invest such an amount. I′ve got a date with one of the Key Account Managers of one Woodwing Partner.
    At the moment I′m still in the research phase. And I think you are researching as well. So I will inform you about the date on monday.
    At the moment I ask myself wether there is a possibility to catch the indesign xml and xslt files.
    Just some thoughts.


    From indesign cs5 you can export to xml, it will also generate all the other files like dtd and xslt.

    I don’t know that mutch about idesign but please take a look at this webpage. https://help.adobe.com/en_US/indesign/cs/using/WSa285fff53dea4f8617383751001ea8cb3f-6cd1a.html

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