Hi @mazzane
Thanks for reaching out and we are sorry to hear that your emails are being sent to spam.
I am not certain what mailer you are using, but please ensure that you have set up a mailer by following the instructions outlined in our documentation.
Mailer Recommendations
The Other SMTP mailer does not use a dedicated API, which can lead to potential errors based on your website hosting settings. In cases where ongoing issues arise while using the Other SMTP mailer, we generally recommend switching to a transactional mailer option.
Transactional Mailers
Transactional email service providers such as our #1 recommended mailer, SendLayer (https://a.supportally.com/G1oPX3), are perfect for sending emails from your WordPress site. If it’s contact form notifications or e-commerce emails, they will deliver them quickly and reliably.
Sendinblue, SMTP.com, SendGrid, and Mailgun are also transactional email service providers if you’d like to consider your options.
Transactional mailers also allow you to send emails with custom ‘From Email’ specific to your domain (examples: [email protected], [email protected]).
Google Mailer
If you already have a paid plan for Google Workspace (formerly Gsuite), I’d recommend using this mailer to send emails.
If you’d like to check out more details on the mailers mentioned above or any others you may be interested in, you can see our complete guide here: https://wpmailsmtp.com/docs/a-complete-guide-to-wp-mail-smtp-mailers/
I hope this helps!