• senlow


    The post title is my question. I want to syndicate
    and list my blog (https://saeblog.com) with the
    various blog directories.
    I’ve read a great deal about RSS, but I’m still in
    the dark on how to do this.
    There must be a simple, automated way for a
    non-techie like me to do this.
    Hopefully your answers will also help other
    clueless WP bloggers like myself.
    Thanks for your help,
    PS: I’m using WP 1.5

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  • Avenir


    Your blog is already syndicated automatically by WordPress. Your blog feed is at https://saeblog.com/feed and your comments feed is at https://saeblog.com/comments/feed

    [Edit] You’ll also need to enable permalinks, for those links to work. If you don’t want to enable permalinks, then you’ll just need to make a link going to the wp-rss2.php file (for entries) or wp-commentsrss.php (for comments) in your WordPress installation directory.

    Thread Starter senlow


    Hi Avenir,
    I enabled permalinks and tried to add my feed at Pheedo and got this:

    You entered: https://saeblog.com/feed
    Pheedo could not find a feed at that address, Here’s a few reasons this may have occured:

    1. Did you enter the website URL or the feed URL? Please enter the feed URL (usually ends in .xml)
    2. Perhaps the URL is misspelled or mistyped. Please try again.

    Any ideas what I need to do next?

    Thread Starter senlow


    I wanted to bump this up. My question may be simple for some, but it’s got me stumped.

    Moderator James Huff


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