• I’m having a problem creating a caption. I created a post, created an image block, and I saw the new toolbar. It had a button for an image caption and one for putting text over the image. I used the image toolbar button to type text over the image. After I did that, the button to create a caption for the image disappeared. I can no longer see a way now to create a caption. Creating a caption is important to me as I use it to credit the image source.

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  • Ryan


    It sounds like you’re having trouble creating a caption for an image on your post. It can be frustrating when you can’t find the right tools to get the job done. Here are some suggestions that might help you create the caption you need:

    First, try clicking on the image block again and see if the caption button reappears. It’s possible that it may have disappeared due to a glitch or a bug. If that doesn’t work, try adding a new image block to your post and see if the caption button appears for that block.

    If the above steps don’t work, you may want to consider adding a text block underneath the image block and creating the caption there. This way, you can still credit the image source and ensure that your post is informative and professional.

    Alternatively, you can also consider adding the image source as a watermark on the image itself, using image editing software. This is a great way to ensure that the image is credited, and can also add a layer of protection against unauthorized use of your content.

    Thread Starter Peter Ditzel


    Thank you, Ryan! You gave several helpful suggestions. I clicked on the block several times, but the caption button never returned. After I put in a second picture, the caption button appeared for that picture, but never returned for the second picture. I used your suggestion to put in a text box under the picture and using it for a caption. That worked nicely! In the future, I’ll remember your suggestion about adding the image source as a watermark.

    I just thought of the idea of adding a caption to the second image and then using the add text over image button. What happened is that it took the caption I’d written and put it over the image, and the caption button was then gone!

    Unfortunately, it really does seem as though the caption button disappears after using the add text over image button. Plus, if you add a caption first and then hit the add text over image button, the caption text becomes the text added over the image! This definitely seems to be a problem that needs to be fixed.

    Thanks again!

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