• paulomeno


    I have a problem, when a new user registers in the registration form, the email entered by the user is modified at the time of saving, which generates the problem of not being able to log in later.
    I attached an image of the problem. I hope you can help me.
    Thank you so much!

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  • missveronica



    These “nobody” email address and “user” name are created when the UM Registration Form email and username fields are empty.

    First look in your Browser Web Console if you have any JavaScript errors.

    Second you may have a conflict with your Theme or another Form Plugin.
    Read this guide about “How to do a plugin/theme conflict test?”


    Thread Starter paulomeno


    I did the test as you mentioned but the error continues. Deactivate the theme and plugins and the error persists.

    The status of all the JavaScript files is 200, they are ok.

    Can I do something else? Thank you!


    Yes you can enable PHP error logging, read this guide: “How to enable debug logging”


    You will probably get a PHP log file with notices and errors in /wp-content/debug.log when you do a User Registration.

    Post the content of this file here in the Forum ( use CODE formatting ) and we can give you a PHP error explanation.

    Thread Starter paulomeno


    I followed all the steps indicated in the document, I registered a new user on the web but the log file is not generated, I made several attempts.


    You can try with different browsers like Chrome and FireFox.

    Contact your web hosting support and ask for assistance about email and username Registration form fields being sent empty to the UM Plugin from the User PC.

    Plugin Support andrewshu


    Hi @paulomeno

    This thread has been inactive for a while so we’re going to go ahead and mark it Resolved.

    Please feel free to re-open this thread if any other questions come up and we’d be happy to help. ??


    Thread Starter paulomeno


    hola otra vez!
    Pude generar el archivo debug.log, inserto debajo el codigo que respecta al plugin, busque el fragmento donde intento agregar un usuario.

    Parte del codigo, lo adjunto como imagen para no mostrar datos personales.

    Muchas gracias.

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function viewData(), 4 passed in


    You have an issue in the customized Profile Template file .../ultimate-member/templates/profile-pirlo.php at line 23, where there is a call to a customer function viewData.

    Ask the developer of this customization about this issue.

    Note 1: This issue might be because your web hosting now is using PHP version 8.x which is controlling arguments much more than PHP 7.x

    Note 2: Customization of UM Templates should follow these guidelines, now you will loose the customized template with the next update of UM.



    Tiene un problema en el archivo de plantilla de perfil personalizado .../ultimate-member/templates/profile-pirlo.php en la línea 23, donde hay una llamada a la función de cliente viewData.

    Pregúntele al desarrollador de esta personalización sobre este problema.

    Nota 1: este problema puede deberse a que su alojamiento web ahora usa PHP versión 8.x, que controla los argumentos mucho más que PHP 7.x

    Nota 2: La personalización de las plantillas de mensajería unificada debe seguir estas pautas, ahora perderá la plantilla personalizada con la próxima actualización de mensajería unificada.


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