• Resolved Sergio Urra


    Hello. A client has a contact form that sends every data correctly. The problem is that when they do a reply, the β€œto:” shows two emails, like so:

    to: [email protected], [email protected]

    The second address doesnt exist in the list of emails of the company. They created the form with Contact Form 7.

    The form code is:

    [text code id:code readonly]
    [number* quantity placeholder β€œQuantity”]
    [text* name placeholder β€œName”]
    [email* email placeholder β€œEmail”]
    [text* telehon placeholder β€œTelephon”]
    [textarea coments x3 placeholder β€œComents (optional)”]
    [submit β€œSend”][dynamichidden post_title id:post_title β€œCF7_get_post_var key=’title'”][dynamichidden post_code id:post_code β€œCF7_get_post_var key=’product-code'”] The email is set like this:

    To: [email protected]
    From: [email protected]
    Subject: [name] – New Request
    Additional headers: Reply-To: [email]
    Mesage Body: Product: [code]
    Quantity:[quantity] Client Data: Name: [name]
    Email: [email]
    Telephon: [telephone]
    Coments: [coments]

    They also used Contact Form 7 - Dynamic Text Extension, and there is a warning: There is a new version of Contact Form 7 - Dynamic Text Extension available, but it does not work with your version of PHP.

    Anyone have had this problem and solved it?

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