Hi @hartl,
Thanks for reaching out!
By default, the subscription will start with the upcoming events. This is not a bug but simply intended behavior.
You are right, only 30 events will be included and you can change that number to fit your needs: https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/k/changing-the-number-of-events-in-ical-export/
Regardless of the number of events, new events should keep coming in when old ones have passed. However, we have an internal bug ticket open for the calendar not updating after the initial 30 events.
The workaround for this is this snippet, copy the below code into your theme’s functions.php file, or wherever you usually put custom code.
add_filter( 'tec_views_v2_subscribe_links_url_args', 'tec_custom_subscribe_link', 10, 2 );
function tec_custom_subscribe_link ( $passthrough_args, $view ) {
unset( $passthrough_args['tribe-bar-date'] );
return $passthrough_args;
If you would like to get the whole month when subscribing to the Calendar you can alter that code a bit for the link to start on the 1st of the month:
add_filter( 'tec_views_v2_subscribe_links_url_args', 'tec_custom_subscribe_link', 10, 2 );
function tec_custom_subscribe_link ( $passthrough_args, $view ) {
if ( $view->get_view_slug() == "month" ) {
$month = date('m');
$passthrough_args['tribe-bar-date'] = "2023-" . $month . "-01";
else {
return $passthrough_args;
Please note that this will always give you the first of the current month, and not the month you are on.
I am unable to provide an exact date or time estimate for when this bug will be fixed, but you’ll be notified when there are any updates.
If you do have other concerns or issues you need help with, please create another ticket, as it helps us track different issues.
I hope this helps! Thank you for your patience.
Internal Bug Ticket Reference: