• Resolved Jason Ryan


    Hello –

    After much testing with disabling ALL plugins, switching themes, et al. I have found that there is an odd issue with the Taxonomy view in the side metabox on Edit screens – all post types – when Gutenberg is disabled either using a plugin or through the theme we use.

    With Guteberg disabled, hierarchical Taxonomies with “child” terms show as the following:


    When Gutenberg is enabled, the “child” terms are displayed properly as shown:


    Why is the disabling of Gutenberg affecting the way these are displayed and should this be reported on Core or the Gutenberg plugin forum? Seems like this is a pretty big deal, especially for those who still use WordPress without Gutenberg.


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  • Moderator bcworkz


    I see the expected hierarchical listing for my custom taxonomy in both the classic editor and block editor. I cannot speak about other editors that you might use, but it sounds like the issue is within those editors. They are apparently not picking up on the “hierarchical” property being true.

    I recommend seeking help through the dedicated support channel of whatever editor you’re having trouble with. It’s not a core or Gutenberg issue AFAICT.

    Thread Starter Jason Ryan



    Thanks, but this happens with the default Twenty Twenty-Three theme and just the Classic Editor plugin installed, and nothing else. Do you have a Parent and Child term selected in the metabox? It will show the hierarchy properly if nothing is selected and saved.

    Moderator bcworkz


    I’m still unable to replicate what you describe. Same Twenty Twenty-Three theme, no plugins other than a small custom one that defines and relates my taxonomy to post types. I use a custom hierarchical taxonomy related to both a custom and default post types. Regardless of which terms are selected or not, or which post type, the hierarchical display is always there in both classic and block editors.

    So you see one kind of display with terms selected and another without? That’s really strange! It seems we have conceptually identical installations. Maybe the labels are different, but custom hierarchical taxonomy all the same. I need to be able to replicate the same behavior to have any hope of offering a solution. Or at least identify how our code base might be different.

    I have noticed in my custom post type the terms are not nested in their hierarchy, it’s a flat list. The children are in the right position, but they are not nested in their own ul structure. But it’s still a hierarchical type of display, it’s not the tag sort of display. This is only in classic editor and only for custom post type, default post types display my custom taxonomy in nested format. Default category meta box for my post type is also flat and not nested. Seems to be something about custom post type more than anything else. In any case, I never get a tag-like display.

    Thread Starter Jason Ryan



    My apologies, I am referring to Child Terms being “nested” vs “flat list”. The metabox is a hierarchical metabox (not like tags). It is the list view I am having an issue with.

    Here is another screenshot where Child Terms of “Web Development” are outside of the “children” <ul> and is just a “flat list”.


    This is only when Gutenberg is disabled that this happens, otherwise the list stays nested when there are child terms.

    Thread Starter Jason Ryan


    Just to add, we’re working on a fairly large site and came across a similar issue with Menus and the nesting of Child Pages. I had found this ticket from some years back and applied the referenced patch/plugin in the ticket to fix the “nesting” issue cause by the pagination.


    Now trying to figure out how to apply a similar patch to hierarchical taxonomies in Metaboxes.

    Thread Starter Jason Ryan


    Well apparently this has been a long time issue and I am just discovering it now. It has been discussed on trac multiple times:


    I have applied the following filter to our Child Theme and seems to do the trick:

    function changeTaxonomyCheckboxlistOrder( $args, $post_id ) {
        if ( isset( $args['taxonomy'] ) ) {
            $args['checked_ontop'] = false;
        return $args;
    add_filter( 'wp_terms_checklist_args', 'changeTaxonomyCheckboxlistOrder', 10, 2 );

    Checked on two dev sites, and the nested view on Parent/Child terms now display like they should (and as they display when Gutenberg is enabled).

    Resolving this (even though this is a silly WP issue that should be addressed)


    Moderator bcworkz


    Thanks for doing the research to find some kind of solution. Peculiar how its the checked on top arg that causes it. Especially since it apparently does not affect indents with default post types, just custom ones. I suppose therein lies a potential real solution, but figuring it out is above my pay grade.

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