• Resolved webtent


    We are running WordPress 6.1.1 with BackWPup 4.0.0 and having problems with the backup starting. We trying to run a newly created backup job, we get:

    Job “Backup” has started, but not responded for 10 seconds. Please check information.

    Below is the debug information, not sure what is “Not expected HTTP response”. The response appears to be a normal 200 status code. Does something else below show any issue?

    WordPress version: 6.1.1
    BackWPup version: 4.0.0
    PHP version: 8.0.22  (64bit)
    MySQL version: 10.4.22-MariaDB
    cURL version: 7.84.0
    cURL SSL version: OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips
    WP-Cron url: https://<www.site.com>/wp-cron.php
    Server self connect: Not expected HTTP response:
    Status-Code: 200
    Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2023 16:12:01 GMT
    Server: Apache
    X-powered-by: PHP/8.0.22
    Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
    Cache-control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0
    Content-length: 0
    Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Document root: /home/.sites/43/site28/web
    Temp folder: /home/.sites/43/site28/web/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-059c1f-temp/
    Log folder: /home/.sites/43/site28/web/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-059c1f-logs/
    Server: Apache
    Operating System: Linux
    PHP SAPI: fpm-fcgi
    Current PHP user: fostoriaweb
    Maximum execution time: 120 seconds
    BackWPup maximum script execution time: 30 seconds
    Alternative WP Cron: Off
    Disabled WP Cron: Off
    CHMOD Dir: 509
    Server Time: 16:12
    Blog Time: 11:12
    Blog Timezone: America/New_York
    Blog Time offset: -5 hours
    Blog language: en-US
    MySQL Client encoding: utf8
    PHP Memory limit: 256M
    WP memory limit: 256M
    WP maximum memory limit: 256M
    Memory in use: 14.00 MB
    Disabled PHP Functions:: exec, system, passthru, shell_exec, popen, escapeshellcmd, proc_open, proc_nice, ini_restore
    Loaded PHP Extensions:: Core, PDO, PDO_ODBC, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, apcu, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dba, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, iconv, imap, intl, json, ldap, libxml, mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, odbc, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, pspell, session, shmop, soap, sockets, sodium, sqlite3, standard, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib

    The job appears not to start at all, there are no logs and can’t find anything in the Apache error logs.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by webtent.
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  • Plugin Support happyAnt


    Hello @webtent

    you can fix this by using another cron method.
    modify wp-config.php ( you can find this file in your root directory ), and BEFORE the line:
    /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
    add this line:
    define('ALTERNATE_WP_CRON' , true );

    I hope that it could help!

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