HI @topchristine
I hope you’re well today!
when it was published, the coupon popup is shown on the home page at desktop , but not shown at the mobile side.
Out of the box, I would suggest checking these things:
a) in popup settings in “Visibility” section – do you have any visibility rules set or there’s no conditions? If there are any – it’s possible that they are set in a way to “exclude” mobile devices in some way
b) checking different mobile devices to find out if it’s happening on specific one only or on any of them.
If you want us to take a look, we’ll be happy to but to start with – we’d need an URL of the page with the popup on it (you can include it in your response below).
but when I key in an email address, no email was automatically sent to my email box.
I’m assuming you are using popup with integrated e-mail form and not putting a 3rd-party form into Hustle popup, right?
If yes, please go to “emails” section of popup configuration and make sur etha the “Send an automated email to the user” option at the bottom is enabled. Then you’ll also need to configured there where to (to submitted e-mail address or to your e-mail address) that message should be sent.
If this is not enabled, e-mails will not be sent by default
2. when I tried to buy a pro plan,
the message “Session expired, please reload the page” is shown when I submitted my credit payment information.
by the way, I used a Chinese credit card to pay for it.
It is not allowed on this forum to discuss this kind of subjects. If you need membership/payment assistance related to our plugins or services, please contact our support directly via our website at
Kind regards,