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  • pezastic


    I tried the Trackback and Pingback Moderation plugin and didn’t have any success in stopping the nasties. I’ll give your “solution” a try.



    The only problem is, I’ll be willing to bet some bots will crawl the pages for a link containing the word ‘trackback’.
    Spam Karma works awesomely on Trackback spam – it caught, and killed, a flood of 150 bits of trackback spam I recieved recently.

    Thread Starter scottsb



    I have a few tricks up my sleeve that would stop that spam technique from working. If anybody sees spambots getting through by parsing the page for a linked TB URL, let me know. I’ll add the tricks to the plugin and release a new version. Unless I see it happening, though, it’s not worth the time to add the features.



    I have been using Spam Karma for quite sometime and, though it is awesome at stopping comment spam, it hasn’t done diddley squat against the trackback spam. Is there a special setting I need to change?

    One day later, after using the Mod_Rewrite Trackback Spam Blocker WordPress plugin and no nasties. Looks like this is a winner! <fingers crossed>

    Moderator James Huff


    Pezastic, you need to have WP v1.5, and need to have “Try to filter TrackBack spam (experimental).” checked. You should also be running SK v1.19 or higher. SK has caught all of my trackback spam.


    I tried submitting the following comment on your site but your captcha seems to be broken and won’t allow comment submission.

    I have rolled out a few simple measures on my site (.htaccess, blacklist, etc.) which now means I no longer need to have any spam comment plugins installed. I posted simple instructions on my site on how to do this.

    I have gone through my raw log files going back over several months and haven’t found any direct accesses to the wp-trackback.php. Spamhuntress, Ann Elizabeth, mentioned in a recent comment on my site that trackback spam is submitted via the xmlrpc.php file.

    Dunno if this is of any help to you,



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