I see a redirect on your site, which is caused by a query parameter being added: ?i=1. This is not something Really Simple SSL does. I recommend to remove that one first. It may be the cause of the issue. Then check the following:
- site_url and home_url in wp-config set to http with:
define( 'WP_HOME', 'https://example.com' );
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'https://example.com' );
Where example.com is your domain, with http. Remove any other occurrence of this in the wp-config.
- If there’s any other Really Simple SSL addition like $_SERVER[‘https’] = ‘on’, remove it as well.
- check the .htaccess file for a redirect to https
- Clear your browser cache
- rename the really simple ssl plugin folder
If the redirect persists, it’s not coming from Really Simple SSL anymore. Deactivate all other plugins, and check again. Then check with your hosting provider if a redirect has been enabled on the server level.