• how can i do wordpress API in order to make a request from the android application to get pictures from the folder in which they are uploaded

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @vruyrusaribekyan
    To make a request to the WordPress API from your Android application, you will need to do the following:

    1. Make sure the WordPress site has the WordPress REST API enabled. By default, it’s always enabled.

    2. In your Android application, use an HTTP client library such as Volley or Retrofit to make a GET request to the WordPress site’s API endpoint. The endpoint for getting a list of media items (such as images) is /wp-json/wp/v2/media. You can add query parameters to the request to filter the results, such as by search terms or author.

    3. In the response, you will receive a JSON object with a list of media items. You can then parse this object and extract the URLs of the images you want to display in your app.

    Hello @vruyrusaribekyan
    The most important part here is to add appropriate arguments into the endpoint.
    Not sure, you can query by folder, but may be you can do it by date.

    Best of luck.

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