Hello @oribrn,
You can use the Exclude functionalities our plugin provides. The exclusion can be done within the plugin dashboard:
SG Optimizer -> Frontend -> General -> Exclude from HTML Minification
or you can use the following filters for excluding specific query parameters:
add_filter( 'sgo_html_minify_exclude_params', 'html_minify_exclude_params' );
function html_minify_exclude_params( $exclude_params ) {
// Add the query params that you want to exclude.
$exclude_params[] = 'test';
return $exclude_params;
or excluding specific URLs:
add_filter( 'sgo_html_minify_exclude_urls', 'html_minify_exclude' );
function html_minify_exclude( $exclude_urls ) {
// Add the url that you want to exclude.
$exclude_urls[] = 'https://mydomain.com/page-slug';
return $exclude_urls;
The above filters should be added to the functions.php file of your active theme. More information on how to use our filters can be found here: