Error, populate with theme.json, adds unresolvable resource link
Both Heading/Body font variables were set with use of “Populate with theme.json”, Content/Typography/Headings or Lightspeed/Dashboard/Heading Font URL, Body Font URL.
I’m using v. 1.2.15, this bug was absent in previous.
<link rel='stylesheet' id='areoi-heading-font-css' media='all' /> <link rel='stylesheet' id='areoi-body-font-css' media='all' />
Best Regards, Matt
Hi @mattsv
Thanks for notifying me of this issue. Good to see you found the new Lightspeed options! Please be aware that these options are built to work with a starter theme we will be releasing soon so they may be a bit temperamental at the moment and some of the functionality could change.
Please could you send me the contents of your theme.json file so that I can set this up locally and test it for myself? Then I will do my best to resolve the issue for you.
Thanks again for flagging this issue
Here it is whole. I know it could use a little clean up due to unnecessary settings, sorry for that.
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Hi @mattsv
Thank you for sending that across.
The below two fields are meant for adding a url to a font that is hosted on something like Google Fonts or Typekit. The font will then be added to the head of the page. An example value would be:
But, looking at the way you have setup your theme.json I don’t think you should need to use them! WordPress should automatically load your fonts for you as you have included the “fontFace” attribute etc.
So, I think what you need to do is clear out the above two fields as you are including your fonts using a different method, then update the heading and body font in the Bootstrap settings.
Body font variable = $font-family-sans-serif (you can find this under Content > Typography > Base)
Heading font variable = $headings-font-family (you can find this under Content > Typography > Headings)
The reason this isn’t working at the moment is due to a typo that I have found in the plugin files. I will be releasing an update in the next week or so that will fix the issue but in the meantime you can update the file yourself. The file is plugins/all-bootstrap-blocks/helpers.php on line 240.
// Line 240: Replace this line $var = 'settings!!typography!!fontFamilies!!' . $row_key . '!!fontFamiliy'; // With this... $var = 'settings!!typography!!fontFamilies!!' . $row_key . '!!fontFamily';
Let me know if any of that doesn’t make sense or if the above doesn’t fix your issue and I will take another look. I will send you an update when I release the update.
Thanks again for flagging the issue.
Emptying these fields solved the problem.
Once again thank You for support.
Great stuff!
If you need help with anything else, don’t hesitate to get back in touch.
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