UM Action Remove And Rename
From user list UM action I want to hide/remove following options.
Approve Membership,
Put as Pending Review,
Resend Activation Email.I want to rename the following options from UM action.
Reactivate -> Account Reactivate,
Deactivate -> Account Deactivate,
Reject Membership -> Inactive Account.
Hi @anish12345,
Add following snippet in your child theme’s functions.php file which should do the trick
add_filter( 'um_admin_bulk_user_actions_hook', function($actions ){ unset($actions['um_approve_membership']); unset($actions['um_put_as_pending']); unset($actions['um_resend_activation']); $actions['um_reenable']['label'] = __( 'Account Reactivate', 'ultimate-member' ); $actions['um_deactivate']['label'] = __( 'Account Deactivate', 'ultimate-member' ); $actions['um_reject_membership']['label'] = __( 'Inactive Account', 'ultimate-member' ); return $actions; }, 10, 1 );
Thank you.
Thanks, it’s working.
I need one more help. Account approval email I don’t want send automatically.
I want only send the email when I am select approval button from UM action.Hi @anish12345,
That’s not possible. You can go to Ultimate Member->User Role->Your user’s role->Edit->Registration option, and choose Require admin review there. Then user will only get approved when you approve them from users menu inside admin. So the approval email will be sent then too only. If your user’s accounts get approved automatically, there is not need to select approval button from UM action. Hope it’s clear.
Yes, I am set for automatic account approval option. But I don’t want email send to user when account is automatically approved.
But I need only send to email when manually approved from admin side.
I hope you understand.
Please check with this attachment.
I need to remove/hide “Pending review” and “Waiting e-mail confirmation” fron wp user list count.
And I need to change the name “Inactive” to “Suspended”.
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Anonymous User 17335794.
I want to know too.
hi @anish12345 ,
Add following code in your child theme’s functions.php file and see if that works
add_filter('um_admin_views_users',function($views){ $views['inactive'] = '<a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'users.php' ) ). '?um_status=inactive">'.__( 'Suspended', 'ultimate-member' ).' <span class="count">(' . UM()->query()->count_users_by_status( 'inactive' ) . ')</span></a>'; unset($views['awaiting_admin_review']); unset($views['awaiting_email_confirmation']); return $views; });
Thanks for your replay,
But I am facing one problem. Please check with attached screenshot.
When I click “Suspended” menu the black bold letter not showing. When I remove the last code from you provide then it will be working properly.
Hi @anish12345,
Change previous snippet to this, should be fine now
add_filter('um_admin_views_users',function($views){ if ( isset( $_REQUEST['um_status'] ) && sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['um_status'] ) === 'inactive' ) { $current = 'class="current"'; } else $current = ''; $views['inactive'] = '<a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'users.php' ) ). '?um_status=inactive" ' . $current . '>'.__( 'Suspended', 'ultimate-member' ).' <span class="count">(' . UM()->query()->count_users_by_status( 'inactive' ) . ')</span></a>'; unset($views['awaiting_admin_review']); unset($views['awaiting_email_confirmation']); return $views; });
Thanks for your reply,
I need one more help.
From status I want to change like this
Membership Inactive To Account Suspended.
Membership Rejected To Account Rejected.
Approved To Account Active.-
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Anonymous User 17335794.
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Anonymous User 17335794.
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Anonymous User 17335794.
I am waiting for your reply.
Hi @anish12345,
Try Using following code in functions.php to change those
add_filter( 'um_user_permissions_filter', 'my_custom_user_permissions', 10, 2 ); function my_custom_user_permissions( $permissions, $user_id ) { if(isset($permissions['account_status_name']) && $permissions['account_status_name'] == 'Membership Inactive') $permissions['account_status_name'] = 'Account Suspended'; else if(isset($permissions['account_status_name']) && $permissions['account_status_name'] == 'Membership Rejected') $permissions['account_status_name'] = 'Account Rejected'; return $permissions; }
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Please read the thread carefully.
This status I want to change like this
Membership Inactive To Account Suspended.
Membership Rejected To Account Rejected.
Approved To Account Active.
In previous code you not mention the “Approved” status.
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
Anonymous User 17335794.
Hi @anish12345,
This should work to change the required status names in the Users menu
add_filter( 'um_user_permissions_filter', 'my_custom_user_permissions', 10, 2 ); function my_custom_user_permissions( $permissions, $user_id ) { if(isset($permissions['account_status_name'])){ if($permissions['account_status_name'] == 'Membership Inactive') $permissions['account_status_name'] = 'Account Suspended'; else if($permissions['account_status_name'] == 'Membership Rejected') $permissions['account_status_name'] = 'Account Rejected'; else if($permissions['account_status_name'] == 'Approved') $permissions['account_status_name'] = 'Account Active'; } return $permissions; }
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
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