• Resolved carlosmdlf


    Hello. Somehow after I updated to wordpress 6.1. the emails notification are not working (any of them). So the users don′t receive a message for confirming the registration, nor I get notified when a new user creates an account, nor the private message extension is notifiyng when you have new messages. Nothing. I have the lateste version of UM and have deactivated and activated the plugin and all the extentions but still not working, don′t really know what to do. Any help really welcomed, thank you very much.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)
  • @carlosmdlf

    1. Install the “Check & Log Email” plugin and verify if your emails are leaving UM or not.


    2. Use a SMTP secure email service instead of your web hosting email server.


    Thread Starter carlosmdlf


    Hello again, @missveronicatv and thanks for your answer. I installed this check and log email and plugin and apparently emails are not been sent, so just to clarify, this means I need to follow to step 2? Thanks a lot.


    If the “Check & Log Email” plugin has not logged any UM emails your issue is within UM not sending your emails.

    You should anyway do Step 2 when this issue has been resolved.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by missveronica.
    Thread Starter carlosmdlf


    Sorry I think I am not getting it… I used the plugin to send a test email to my email account, but it did not arrive, so I just assumed emails are not working. I am not really understanding the thing about the plugin not logging UM emails… could you please explain this? Also, any ideas on how to resolve the problem of UM not sending emails before I can move to point 2, since what is really crucial for me is for UM to be able again to send emails to my users as it was before. I don′t really know what and why just got broken. Thank u very much again for your time and patiente.


    I am not really understanding the thing about the plugin not logging UM emails… could you please explain this?

    The plugin is logging all outgoing emails, so if you make an action in UM which is expected to send an email you will see a copy of this email in the plugin log file.

    I used the plugin to send a test email to my email account, but it did not arrive

    Yes, go for the Step 2 solution.

    You should also contact your web hosting about your issue with emails as they may have a setting of their email server which should be adjusted.

    Thread Starter carlosmdlf


    Hi again @missveronicatv, so first of all, no emails are been logged, so it is very clear UM mails are not going through. Then I spoke with my hosting provider and the email server seems fine. There is nothing they can do since I can not configure anything about the emails been sent from the UM plugin. I tried to follow step 2 but it doesn′t make any sense it only says you use sendgrid, so… don′t really know what to do with that info. Also poitns to another article that talks about a third plugin that I installed but it is also doing nothing. Don′t know what to do with WP Mail SMTP by WPForms – The Most Popular SMTP and Email Log Plugin, but the question stand still, why was this working before and now it is not working. Just want it to be the way it was before. Are there any configuration options that can be configured from the inside of UM pluging that I am not seeing?
    I am really frustrated cause the whole website is pointless now if UM is unable to send any messages to my users… please help. So many hours of work lost here trying to figure out what is happepning…


    Post your current UM Settings -> Install Info here in the Forum.

    Install the “Folder Permissions” plugin from this link:


    Prepare a new WP page where you add the shortcode: [um_folder_permissions]

    Display the page with your browser as site administrator and get the UM Folder Permissions display which you can post here in the Forum.

    When posting here in the Forum use CODE formatting.


    Maybe you should set your site to Maintenance mode with this plugin:


    Thread Starter carlosmdlf


    Thank you very much again for your Time and answer. I am trying the best to follow your instructions, hope the format is correct. I hope you can figure out what the problem might be with this info. Thanks again.

    Here is the Install info:

    ### Begin Install Info ###
    ## Please include this information when posting support requests ##
    --- Site Info ---
    Site URL:					https://swapmyvan.com
    Home URL:					https://swapmyvan.com
    Multisite:					No
    --- Hosting Provider ---
    Host:						DBH: db5008039541.hosting-data.io, SRV: swapmyvan.com
    --- User Browser ---
    Platform:                 Windows 
    Browser Name:             Chrome  
    Browser Version: 
    User Agent String:        Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Wi 
    			  n64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KH
                              TML, like Gecko) Chrome/107.0.0.
                              0 Safari/537.36
    ---- Current User Details --
    Role: administrator
    --- WordPress Configurations ---
    Version:						6.1
    Language:					en_US
    Permalink Structure:			/%postname%
    Active Theme:				Twenty Twenty Child 2.0.1658318895
    Page On Front:				Swapmyvan.com (#4)
    Page For Posts:				 (#0)
    ABSPATH:					/homepages/14/d912035531/htdocs/app912035597/
    All Posts/Pages:				1
    WP Remote Post:           		wp_remote_post() works
    WP_DEBUG:                 			Enabled
    WP Table Prefix:          			Length: 10, Status: Acceptable
    Memory Limit:   				40MB
    --- UM Configurations ---
    Version:						2.5.1
    Upgraded From:            		2.5.0
    Current URL Method:			
    Cache User Profile:			No
    Generate Slugs on Directories:	Yes
    Force UTF-8 Encoding: 		No
    JS/CSS Compression: 			No
    Port Forwarding in URL: 		No
    Exclude CSS/JS on Home: 		No
    --- UM Pages Configuration ---
    User:						https://swapmyvan.com/user
    Account:						https://swapmyvan.com/account
    Members:					https://swapmyvan.com/find_a_ride
    Register:						https://swapmyvan.com/register
    Login:						https://swapmyvan.com/login
    Logout:						https://swapmyvan.com/logout
    Password Reset:				https://swapmyvan.com/password-reset
    --- UM Users Configuration ---
    Default New User Role: 		0
    Profile Permalink Base:		user_login
    User Display Name:			full_name
    Redirect author to profile: 		Yes
    Enable Members Directory:	Yes
    Use Gravatars: 				Yes
    Gravatar builtin image:		wavatar
    	UM Avatar as blank Gravatar: 	No
    Require a strong password: 	On
    --- UM Access Configuration ---
    Panic Key: 								
    Global Site Access:						Site accessible to Everyone
    Backend Login Screen for Guests:			No
    Redirect to alternative login page:			
    Backend Register Screen for Guests:		No
    Redirect to alternative register page:		
    Access Control widget for Admins only: 		No
    Enable the Reset Password Limit:			No
    Blacklist Words: 							1742
    --- UM Email Configurations ---
    Mail appears from:  			Swap My Van
    Mail appears from address:  	[email protected]
    Use HTML for E-mails:   		Yes
    Account Welcome Email:  		Yes
    Account Activation Email:   	Yes
    Pending Review Email:   		No
    Account Approved Email: 		No
    Account Rejected Email: 		No
    Account Deactivated Email:  	Yes
    Account Deleted Email:  		Yes
    Password Reset Email:   		Yes
    Password Changed Email: 		Yes
    --- UM Total Users ---
    				All Users(378)
    --- UM Roles ---
    				Administrator (administrator)
    Editor (editor)
    Author (author)
    Contributor (contributor)
    Subscriber (subscriber)
    Propietario Furgo (um_propietario-furgo)
    SEO Manager (wpseo_manager)
    SEO Editor (wpseo_editor)
    --- UM Custom Templates ---
    --- UM Email HTML Templates ---
    --- Web Server Configurations ---
    PHP Version:              			8.0.25
    MySQL Version:            			10.5.17
    Web Server Info:          			Apache
    --- PHP Configurations ---
    PHP Memory Limit:         			-1
    PHP Upload Max Size:      			64M
    PHP Post Max Size:        			64M
    PHP Upload Max Filesize:  			64M
    PHP Time Limit:           			50000
    PHP Max Input Vars:       			5000
    PHP Arg Separator:        			&
    PHP Allow URL File Open:  			Yes
    --- Web Server Extensions/Modules ---
    DISPLAY ERRORS:           			N/A
    FSOCKOPEN:                			Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL:                     			Your server supports cURL.
    SOAP Client:              			Your server has the SOAP Client enabled.
    SUHOSIN:                  			Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.
    GD Library:               			PHP GD library is installed on your web server.
    Mail:                     			PHP mail function exist on your web server.
    Exif:				          PHP Exif library is installed on your web server.
    --- Session Configurations ---
    Session:                  			Disabled
    Session Name:             			PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path:              			/
    Save Path:                			/tmp/.priv
    Use Cookies:              			On
    Use Only Cookies:         			On
    --- WordPress Active Plugins ---
    				Check & Log Email: 1.0.6
    Child Theme Configurator: 2.6.0
    Code Snippets: 3.2.1
    CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent: 3.0.5
    Default featured image:
    Elementor: 3.8.1
    Elementor Header & Footer Builder: 1.6.13
    Site Kit by Google: 1.87.0
    Ultimate Member: 2.5.1
    Ultimate Member - Folder Permissions: 2.0.0
    Ultimate Member - Private Messages: 2.3.3
    Ultimate Member - reCAPTCHA: 2.3.1
    Ultimate Member - User Locations: 1.0.6
    UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: 1.22.23
    Wordfence Security: 7.7.1
    Yoast SEO: 19.10
    ### End Install Info ###

    And the UM Folder Permissions:

    UM folder permissions 2.0.0
    WP Standard permissions:
    Folder permission not less than 0755 octal
    File permission not less than 0644 octal
    get_template	twentytwenty
    get_stylesheet	twentytwenty-child
    get_theme_root	ABSPATH/wp-content/themes
    get_stylesheet_directory	ABSPATH/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty-child
    twentytwenty-child	Twenty Twenty Child	2.0.1	Parent: Twenty Twenty
    twentytwenty	Twenty Twenty	2.1
    twentytwentyone	Twenty Twenty-One	1.6
    twentytwentythree	Twenty Twenty-Three	1.0
    twentytwentytwo	Twenty Twenty-Two	1.3
    Child-theme active	yes
    UM active	yes version 2.5.1
    UM update installed	2022-11-12 14:57:20
    Code Snippets plugin active	yes
    Multi site	no
    WP Version	6.1
    PHP Version	8.0.25
    Web Server	Apache
    WP Frontend Memory Limit	40M
    WP Backend Memory Limit	256M
    PHP Memory Limit	268435456
    Memory Limit allows raising	yes
    ABSPATH character length	45
    Active theme's functions.php
    Last update	2022-11-06 21:59:41
    add_action	1
    add_filter	1
    remove_action	0
    remove_filter	0
    do_action	0
    apply_filters	0
    add_shortcode	0
    function	2
    Deprecated: UM 2.5.0 and removed since UM 2.7.0
    UM()->query()->get_users_by_status	0
    UM()->user()->get_pending_users_count	0
    UM()->user()->remove_cached_queue	0
    Permission	0775
    Updated	2022-11-06 21:59:41
    UID	9000057
    GID	600
    Total of 4 files in this folder with these permissions
    0664	4
    Folder not found
    Folder not found
    Folder not found
    Folder not found
    WARNING: .htacces filesize 122 bytes updated 2022-11-09 13:26:38
    Permission	0775
    Updated	2022-11-07 21:32:37
    UID	9000057
    GID	600
    Total of 2 files in this folder with these permissions
    0604	2
    Permission	0775
    Updated	2022-11-15 17:14:11
    UID	9000057
    GID	600
    No files in this folder
    Permission	0755
    Updated	2022-11-15 17:14:11
    UID	9000057
    GID	600
    No files in this folder
    Folder not found


    There are no email templates in your child theme folder.
    When did you create the child theme?
    Are the email templates left in the Twenty Twenty theme’s folder?

    Thread Starter carlosmdlf


    So, I created the child theme some months ago, and it had been working fine until this wordpress update. I don′t know if the hosting people could have somehow lost some of the folders on the update? I know that they moved my site from a “hosting controlled plan to a self controlled hosting plan” and something went worng on the process so theorically they reverted it to the original controlled by them hosting plan. Sorry if I am not making myself very clear, I am having trouble grasping some of this concepts.

    Anyways, I have also tried with the 2020 theme and the 2023 theme and still not working. Maybe reinsatlling the UM pluging will be able to create this folders anew? Thanks a lot again for your answer!


    I know that they moved my site from a “hosting controlled plan to a self controlled hosting plan”

    Ask your web hosting support about this issue after the move to the current plan.

    If you have made changes to the UM email templates these changes should be found in the missing folder. If no changes at all the current folders are OK.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by missveronica.
    Thread Starter carlosmdlf


    Hi again @missveronicatv, yes, asking them was the first thing I did, they say everything is OK, and they also say that they can not fix the email issue since they don′t know where to even start looking for. Like they tried to see if there was any issue on email configuration with the UM plug in, but there are no configuration options from the frontend of the plug in, that is why we are stucked.

    About emails modifications, yes, I did some small modifications in the emails text, for example in the account activation email. I can still see that modification on WPadmin/UM/settings/email if I open the email template.

    Does this information give you any clue about what might be the existing issue? Would it help if I unistall UM plug in and install it again? Will it get configured anew on the installation process? Thanks a lot again.


    Can you post your child-theme’s functions.php file here in the Forum.

    Thread Starter carlosmdlf


    Of course:

    // Exit if accessed directly
    if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;
    // AUTO GENERATED - Do not modify or remove comment markers above or below:
    if ( !function_exists( 'chld_thm_cfg_locale_css' ) ):
        function chld_thm_cfg_locale_css( $uri ){
            if ( empty( $uri ) && is_rtl() && file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/rtl.css' ) )
                $uri = get_template_directory_uri() . '/rtl.css';
            return $uri;
    add_filter( 'locale_stylesheet_uri', 'chld_thm_cfg_locale_css' );
    if ( !function_exists( 'chld_thm_cfg_parent_css' ) ):
        function chld_thm_cfg_parent_css() {
            wp_enqueue_style( 'chld_thm_cfg_parent', trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() ) . 'style.css', array(  ) );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'chld_thm_cfg_parent_css', 10 );

    I am realizing in the server there is another folder named themes-old, but it is empty when I open it, don′t know if this could be relevant? Thanks a lot again.

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