• jinsan



    Right…have a lot, and I mean a lot, of headaches and months I’ve decided to release the theme I currently using. Now all relevant credits are mentioned, and I don’t think I’ve missed anyone out.

    It’s a single column theme with no plugins. I did it this way as I might enter it for the WP 1.5 Contest but not sure if it will live up the scrutiny, so I may decide not to enter it after all.
    It’s CSS and XHTML valid.

    I’m using it on my own blog site, but that has many modifications and plugins being used and once I’m happy with it I will post it here for criticism (The bloody fancy tooltips invalidates the whole thing).

    My friend and I currently looking at creating several review themes as well as a more fun version on the Meadow theme with a more darker feel to it.

    I hope you like it, and as always constructive criticism is more than welcome. If you like it, please leave a comment on the site as it would be most appreciated, and if you use it let me know and we can exchange links and head to Amsterdam for celebrating the only user to use the theme. It’s on you, of course, I’m broke.

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  • Marianne


    It’s put me in a good mood!

    The only suggestion I have is that you create an absolute div for the blog title which would lay over your site name.




    yes. i approve ?? i love it.

    these are the things I like to see in a good design. Nice and flowing, pleasing colors, easy to read content.

    quick notes:I think on your hover over the content the border size is different so it causes it to jump a bit. Also, under your comments (maybe the nav too) I think the text on the bright green is a bit hard to read.

    but i love this. great job.

    Thread Starter jinsan


    @ Marinne – absolute div? Are you suggesting making it a link? Please clarify.

    @ joeytrimmer – the hover thing I’ve been trying to fix, it jumps a wee bit, but I may jut call it a feature :p – I can’t seem to get it just right.

    Will take the comments and nav, er, comments into consideration. Thanks for the suggestions.



    Unless I am missing something there is no jumpiness, what I see is the hover color for your border, make it the same and this will eliminate the jumpy feel, BTW if there is something else jumpy I missed it.

    Switched pc’ and do see the jumpiness, my guess would be to do with your links



    No, I’m not suggesting it be a link, just something for the user to use so that they don’t have to edit your background image if they want to use it…

    Something like:

    ‘<div id=”blogtitle”><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></div>’

    ‘#blogtitle {
    position: absolute;
    top: where ever px;
    left: where ever px;
    color: white;
    background-color: black;

    Or maybe I’ve just had to much coffee.



    dawg thats what i mean, the border is different thickness so it jumped a bit (moved over a bit). But Jinsan seems to have fixed it.

    i think perhaps the nav, Jinsan, is fine, I like the white but its small so kinda hard to read (but it’s on a darker green so it’s not that bad really) but it’s the text on the bright green, in your comments page. Small detail but the small details really help I think.

    keep kicking butt.



    marianne, what do you mean? you mean he should put the blog_title link back in? I rather like it without and think it would be redundant.

    But to make the logo image a link I like ?? nice way to go back to the index.

    Thread Starter jinsan


    @joeytrimmer yeah I just fixed it and reupped the files.

    Still trying to pick a hover colour for the comments that will work well with the green.

    @Marianne- I see what you mean, I would do….but I’m all thumbs relly and adding an absolute position removes the header entirely. I’ll do what I can. I’ve never done CSS before so, it’s all a learning experience.



    Oh I see what marianne means now…lemme see here.



    &nbsp; in the markup ?



    &nbsp; in the markup ?

    Thread Starter jinsan


    Root that’s too cryptic for me, not understanding that- again just to let everyone know I don’t code or do webdesign so I;m not sure what the nonbreaking space in the markup means?

    Moderator James Huff




    That’s really hot one! ??

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