• Resolved ihsansfd


    To be honest I didn’t expect this. I’ve tried backing up twice using this plugin but they all failed.

    The first one is kind of understandable as I’m developing locally so there’s file permission issue. but this one is really confusing and frustrating. it stucks on the uploads stage when doing full backup. I’ve tried to wait for like 20 minutes but it says nothing but no recent activity; will offer resumption after: X seconds.

    Please do help.

    0000.002 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:22:18 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.002 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 59.2M | 60.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.053 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 32011 MB
    0000.074 () Restore setup, now closing connection and starting restore over AJAX.
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:22:19 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.001 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 57.2M | 58.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.048 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 32011 MB
    0000.069 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.069 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.073 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["wp_options","wp_users","wp_usermeta","wp_commentmeta","wp_comments","wp_links","wp_postmeta","wp_posts","wp_term_relationships","wp_term_taxonomy","wp_termmeta","wp_terms","wp_admin_columns","wp_podsrel"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.074 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.076 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.077 () Entity: db
    0000.077 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-db.gz, type=db, info=a:0:{}, last_one=)
    0000.078 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-db.gz, 0.6 Mb)
    0000.078 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.168 () Database successfully unpacked
    0000.168 () Memulihkan database (pada situs besar akan membutuhkan waktu lama - jika waktu habis (mungkin terjadi jika penyedia hosting web Anda memberlakukan batas resource) maka Anda harus menggunakan metode lain, misalnya phpMyAdmin)...
    0000.168 () Using direct MySQL access; value of use_mysqli is: 1
    0000.185 () Max packet size: 256 MB
    0000.185 () Entering maintenance mode
    0000.185 () Mengaktifkan moda perawatan…
    0000.189 () Backup of: https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.190 () Content URL: https://staging.icel.or.id/wp-content
    0000.190 () Uploads URL: https://staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/uploads
    0000.190 () Old table prefix: wp_
    0000.190 () Site information: multisite=0
    0000.191 () New table prefix: jc_
    0000.193 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_options - will restore as: jc_options
    0000.300 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_options)
    0000.305 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_options) to final table name (wp_options)
    0000.307 () Restoring prior UD configuration (table: wp_options; keys: 4)
    0000.320 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_users - will restore as: jc_users
    0000.332 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_users)
    0000.333 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_users) to final table name (wp_users)
    0000.336 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_usermeta - will restore as: jc_usermeta
    0000.347 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_usermeta)
    0000.350 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_usermeta) to final table name (wp_usermeta)
    0000.351 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_commentmeta - will restore as: jc_commentmeta
    0000.358 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_commentmeta)
    0000.360 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_commentmeta) to final table name (wp_commentmeta)
    0000.362 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_comments - will restore as: jc_comments
    0000.372 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_comments)
    0000.374 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_comments) to final table name (wp_comments)
    0000.377 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_links - will restore as: jc_links
    0000.383 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_links)
    0000.385 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_links) to final table name (wp_links)
    0000.388 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_postmeta - will restore as: jc_postmeta
    0000.639 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_postmeta)
    0000.646 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_postmeta) to final table name (wp_postmeta)
    0000.648 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_posts - will restore as: jc_posts
    0000.894 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_posts)
    0000.901 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_posts) to final table name (wp_posts)
    0000.903 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_term_relationships - will restore as: jc_term_relationships
    0000.912 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_term_relationships)
    0000.913 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_term_relationships) to final table name (wp_term_relationships)
    0000.915 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_term_taxonomy - will restore as: jc_term_taxonomy
    0000.924 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_term_taxonomy)
    0000.926 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_term_taxonomy) to final table name (wp_term_taxonomy)
    0000.927 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_termmeta - will restore as: jc_termmeta
    0000.935 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_termmeta)
    0000.937 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_termmeta) to final table name (wp_termmeta)
    0000.939 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_terms - will restore as: jc_terms
    0000.948 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_terms)
    0000.951 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_terms) to final table name (wp_terms)
    0000.952 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_admin_columns - will restore as: jc_admin_columns
    0000.961 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_admin_columns)
    0000.962 () Database queries processed: 50 in 0.79 seconds
    0000.962 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_admin_columns) to final table name (wp_admin_columns)
    0000.964 () Processing table (InnoDB): wp_podsrel - will restore as: jc_podsrel
    0001.004 () Unlocking database and leaving maintenance mode
    0001.004 () Menonaktifkan moda perawatan…
    0001.004 () Atomic restore: dropping original table (wp_podsrel)
    0001.006 () Atomic restore: renaming new table (jc_podsrel) to final table name (wp_podsrel)
    0001.008 () Finished: lines processed: 54 in 0.84 seconds
    0001.008 () Membersihkan sampah...
    0001.014 () Entity: plugins
    0001.014 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-plugins.zip, type=plugins, info=a:3:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/plugins";s:11:"description";s:6:"Plugin";s:20:"singular_description";s:6:"Plugin";}, last_one=)
    0001.014 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-plugins.zip, 20.3 MB)
    0001.015 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-plugins.zip to /home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/upgrade/d3c64c93/ using UpdraftPlus_PclZip, starting index 0
    0001.666 () Unzip progress: 1002 out of 5756 files (975.5 KB, plugins/updraftplus/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/AbstractLogger.php)
    0001.740 () Unzip progress: 2003 out of 5756 files (20.7 MB, plugins/quadmenu/lib/ReduxCore/assets/css/redux-admin.scss)
    0001.810 () Unzip progress: 3004 out of 5756 files (37.9 MB, plugins/gtranslate/24/eu.png)
    0001.865 () Unzip progress: 4005 out of 5756 files (42.1 MB, plugins/members/admin/class-role-new.php)
    0001.924 () Unzip progress: 5006 out of 5756 files (48.4 MB, plugins/pods/ui/js/selectWoo/i18n/es.js)
    0001.976 () Unzip progress: 5756 out of 5756 files (58.6 MB, plugins/pods/src/Pods/Whatsit/Storage/File.php)
    0001.978 () Moving old data: filesystem method / updraft_dir is potentially possible
    0001.978 () Moving old data: can potentially use wp_filesystem method / -old
    0001.978 () Moving old data out of the way...
    0002.083 () Top-level entities being moved: updraftplus, quadmenu, better-search-replace, index.php, gtranslate, contact-form-7, codepress-admin-columns, members, pods
    0002.086 () Moving unpacked backup into place...
    0002.196 () Top-level entities being moved: updraftplus, quadmenu, better-search-replace, index.php, gtranslate, contact-form-7, codepress-admin-columns, members, pods
    0002.199 () Membersihkan sampah...
    0002.202 () Entity: themes
    0002.202 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-themes.zip, type=themes, info=a:3:{s:4:"path";s:51:"/home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/themes";s:11:"description";s:4:"Tema";s:20:"singular_description";s:5:"Theme";}, last_one=)
    0002.202 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-themes.zip, 15.6 MB)
    0002.202 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-themes.zip to /home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/upgrade/584f1fc9/ using UpdraftPlus_PclZip, starting index 0
    0002.367 () Unzip progress: 674 out of 674 files (24.2 MB, themes/index.php)
    0002.369 () Moving old data: filesystem method / updraft_dir is potentially possible
    0002.369 () Moving old data: can potentially use wp_filesystem method / -old
    0002.369 () Moving old data out of the way...
    0002.381 () Top-level entities being moved: index.php, twentytwenty, icel
    0002.381 () Moving unpacked backup into place...
    0002.394 () Top-level entities being moved: index.php, twentytwenty, icel
    0002.394 () Membersihkan sampah...
    0002.397 () Entity: uploads
    0002.397 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:12:"Pengunggahan";}, last_one=)
    0002.397 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, 390.7 MB)
    0002.397 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip to /home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/upgrade/d444475a/ using UpdraftPlus_PclZip, starting index 0
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:24:28 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.002 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 57.2M | 58.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.046 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 32106.8 MB
    0000.066 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.066 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.069 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["wp_options","wp_users","wp_usermeta","wp_commentmeta","wp_comments","wp_links","wp_postmeta","wp_posts","wp_term_relationships","wp_term_taxonomy","wp_termmeta","wp_terms","wp_admin_columns","wp_podsrel"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.069 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.071 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.071 () Entity: uploads
    0000.071 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:12:"Pengunggahan";}, last_one=)
    0000.072 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, 390.7 MB)
    0000.074 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip to /home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/upgrade/d444475a/ using UpdraftPlus_PclZip, starting index 0
    0000.842 () Unzip progress: 351 out of 1456 files (100.9 MB, uploads/2022/10/Catatan-Kritis-Memperingati-5-tahun-Berlakunya-Paris-Agreement-Refleksi-Singkat-Arah-Kebijakan-Perubahan-Iklim-Indonesia.pdf)
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:26:35 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.002 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 57.2M | 60.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.053 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 31910.4 MB
    0000.073 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.073 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.076 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["wp_options","wp_users","wp_usermeta","wp_commentmeta","wp_comments","wp_links","wp_postmeta","wp_posts","wp_term_relationships","wp_term_taxonomy","wp_termmeta","wp_terms","wp_admin_columns","wp_podsrel"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.076 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.078 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.078 () Entity: uploads
    0000.078 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:12:"Pengunggahan";}, last_one=)
    0000.078 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, 390.7 MB)
    0000.078 () Unpack resumption may be possible: zip_starting_index=350, last_exists=1, last_size=1943564, last_status=a:3:{s:5:"index";i:350;s:4:"info";a:2:{s:4:"name";s:140:"uploads/2022/10/Catatan-Kritis-Memperingati-5-tahun-Berlakunya-Paris-Agreement-Refleksi-Singkat-Arah-Kebijakan-Perubahan-Iklim-Indonesia.pdf";s:4:"size";i:1943564;}s:12:"size_written";i:105803715;}
    0000.079 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip to /home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/upgrade/d444475a/ using UpdraftPlus_PclZip, starting index 350
    0000.099 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.099 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.099 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.099 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:28:40 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.002 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 57.2M | 58.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.051 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 31910.3 MB
    0000.071 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.072 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.074 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["wp_options","wp_users","wp_usermeta","wp_commentmeta","wp_comments","wp_links","wp_postmeta","wp_posts","wp_term_relationships","wp_term_taxonomy","wp_termmeta","wp_terms","wp_admin_columns","wp_podsrel"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.075 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.077 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.077 () Entity: uploads
    0000.077 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:12:"Pengunggahan";}, last_one=)
    0000.078 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, 390.7 MB)
    0000.078 () Unpack resumption may be possible: zip_starting_index=350, last_exists=1, last_size=1943564, last_status=a:3:{s:5:"index";i:350;s:4:"info";a:2:{s:4:"name";s:140:"uploads/2022/10/Catatan-Kritis-Memperingati-5-tahun-Berlakunya-Paris-Agreement-Refleksi-Singkat-Arah-Kebijakan-Perubahan-Iklim-Indonesia.pdf";s:4:"size";i:1943564;}s:12:"size_written";i:105803715;}
    0000.079 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip to /home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/upgrade/d444475a/ using UpdraftPlus_PclZip, starting index 350
    0000.116 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.117 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.117 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.117 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:30:43 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.002 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 57.2M | 58.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.055 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 31910.2 MB
    0000.085 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.086 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.089 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["wp_options","wp_users","wp_usermeta","wp_commentmeta","wp_comments","wp_links","wp_postmeta","wp_posts","wp_term_relationships","wp_term_taxonomy","wp_termmeta","wp_terms","wp_admin_columns","wp_podsrel"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.089 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.091 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.091 () Entity: uploads
    0000.091 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:12:"Pengunggahan";}, last_one=)
    0000.091 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, 390.7 MB)
    0000.091 () Unpack resumption may be possible: zip_starting_index=350, last_exists=1, last_size=1943564, last_status=a:3:{s:5:"index";i:350;s:4:"info";a:2:{s:4:"name";s:140:"uploads/2022/10/Catatan-Kritis-Memperingati-5-tahun-Berlakunya-Paris-Agreement-Refleksi-Singkat-Arah-Kebijakan-Perubahan-Iklim-Indonesia.pdf";s:4:"size";i:1943564;}s:12:"size_written";i:105803715;}
    0000.093 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip to /home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/upgrade/d444475a/ using UpdraftPlus_PclZip, starting index 350
    0000.117 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.117 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.118 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.118 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:32:46 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.002 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 57.2M | 58.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.058 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 31910.1 MB
    0000.079 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.080 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.083 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["wp_options","wp_users","wp_usermeta","wp_commentmeta","wp_comments","wp_links","wp_postmeta","wp_posts","wp_term_relationships","wp_term_taxonomy","wp_termmeta","wp_terms","wp_admin_columns","wp_podsrel"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.084 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.086 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.086 () Entity: uploads
    0000.086 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:12:"Pengunggahan";}, last_one=)
    0000.087 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, 390.7 MB)
    0000.087 () Unpack resumption may be possible: zip_starting_index=350, last_exists=1, last_size=1943564, last_status=a:3:{s:5:"index";i:350;s:4:"info";a:2:{s:4:"name";s:140:"uploads/2022/10/Catatan-Kritis-Memperingati-5-tahun-Berlakunya-Paris-Agreement-Refleksi-Singkat-Arah-Kebijakan-Perubahan-Iklim-Indonesia.pdf";s:4:"size";i:1943564;}s:12:"size_written";i:105803715;}
    0000.088 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip to /home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/upgrade/d444475a/ using UpdraftPlus_PclZip, starting index 350
    0000.118 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.118 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.118 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.118 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:35:50 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.002 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 59.5M | 60.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.056 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 31910 MB
    0000.082 () Restore setup, now closing connection and starting restore over AJAX.
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:35:51 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.001 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 57.2M | 58.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.050 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 31910 MB
    0000.069 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.069 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.071 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["wp_options","wp_users","wp_usermeta","wp_commentmeta","wp_comments","wp_links","wp_postmeta","wp_posts","wp_term_relationships","wp_term_taxonomy","wp_termmeta","wp_terms","wp_admin_columns","wp_podsrel"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.072 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.073 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.073 () Entity: uploads
    0000.073 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:12:"Pengunggahan";}, last_one=)
    0000.074 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, 390.7 MB)
    0000.074 () Unpack resumption may be possible: zip_starting_index=350, last_exists=1, last_size=1943564, last_status=a:3:{s:5:"index";i:350;s:4:"info";a:2:{s:4:"name";s:140:"uploads/2022/10/Catatan-Kritis-Memperingati-5-tahun-Berlakunya-Paris-Agreement-Refleksi-Singkat-Arah-Kebijakan-Perubahan-Iklim-Indonesia.pdf";s:4:"size";i:1943564;}s:12:"size_written";i:105803715;}
    0000.075 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip to /home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/upgrade/d444475a/ using UpdraftPlus_PclZip, starting index 350
    0000.094 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.094 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.094 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.094 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:37:53 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.002 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 57.2M | 58.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.074 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 31909.9 MB
    0000.097 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.097 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.100 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["wp_options","wp_users","wp_usermeta","wp_commentmeta","wp_comments","wp_links","wp_postmeta","wp_posts","wp_term_relationships","wp_term_taxonomy","wp_termmeta","wp_terms","wp_admin_columns","wp_podsrel"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.101 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.103 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.103 () Entity: uploads
    0000.103 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:12:"Pengunggahan";}, last_one=)
    0000.103 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, 390.7 MB)
    0000.103 () Unpack resumption may be possible: zip_starting_index=350, last_exists=1, last_size=1943564, last_status=a:3:{s:5:"index";i:350;s:4:"info";a:2:{s:4:"name";s:140:"uploads/2022/10/Catatan-Kritis-Memperingati-5-tahun-Berlakunya-Paris-Agreement-Refleksi-Singkat-Arah-Kebijakan-Perubahan-Iklim-Indonesia.pdf";s:4:"size";i:1943564;}s:12:"size_written";i:105803715;}
    0000.104 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip to /home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/upgrade/d444475a/ using UpdraftPlus_PclZip, starting index 350
    0000.124 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.124 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.124 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.124 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:41:34 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.002 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 59.4M | 60.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.051 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 32012.5 MB
    0000.071 () Restore setup, now closing connection and starting restore over AJAX.
    0000.001 () Opened log file at time: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 16:41:36 +0000 on https://staging.icel.or.id
    0000.002 () UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.23 WP: 6.0.3 PHP: 8.0.24 (fpm-fcgi, Linux newserver.icel.or.id 3.10.0 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 11:59:26 MSK 2020 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.40 (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: id_ID Server: Apache safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 57.2M | 58.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022 mcrypt: N LANG:  ZipArchive::addFile: N
    0000.052 () Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 32012.5 MB
    0000.071 () Ensuring WP_Filesystem is setup for a restore
    0000.072 () WP_Filesystem is setup and ready for a restore
    0000.074 () Restore job started. Entities to restore: plugins, themes, uploads, others, db. Restore options: {"include_unspecified_tables":false,"tables_to_restore":["wp_options","wp_users","wp_usermeta","wp_commentmeta","wp_comments","wp_links","wp_postmeta","wp_posts","wp_term_relationships","wp_term_taxonomy","wp_termmeta","wp_terms","wp_admin_columns","wp_podsrel"],"tables_to_skip":[],"updraft_encryptionphrase":"","updraft_restorer_wpcore_includewpconfig":false,"updraft_incremental_restore_point":-1}
    0000.074 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.075 () Will not delete any archives after unpacking them, because there was no cloud storage for this backup
    0000.076 () Entity: uploads
    0000.076 () restore_backup(backup_file=backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, type=uploads, info=a:2:{s:4:"path";s:52:"/home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/uploads";s:11:"description";s:12:"Pengunggahan";}, last_one=)
    0000.076 () Membuka cadangan... (backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip, 390.7 MB)
    0000.076 () Unpack resumption may be possible: zip_starting_index=350, last_exists=1, last_size=1943564, last_status=a:3:{s:5:"index";i:350;s:4:"info";a:2:{s:4:"name";s:140:"uploads/2022/10/Catatan-Kritis-Memperingati-5-tahun-Berlakunya-Paris-Agreement-Refleksi-Singkat-Arah-Kebijakan-Perubahan-Iklim-Indonesia.pdf";s:4:"size";i:1943564;}s:12:"size_written";i:105803715;}
    0000.077 () Unzipping backup_2022-10-20-2256_Indonesian_Center_for_Environmen_8ed9a07f5f0b-uploads.zip to /home/icelorid/staging.icel.or.id/wp-content/upgrade/d444475a/ using UpdraftPlus_PclZip, starting index 350
    0000.095 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.095 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.095 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
    0000.096 () PHP event: code E_WARNING: mkdir(): File exists (line 545, wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php)
Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Plugin Contributor bcrodua



    Could you try to reduce the backup archive split size. This will split the backup into smaller, more manageable files.

    To do this, open the ‘expert settings’ section of the UpdraftPlus Settings tab, and find the ‘split backups every’ option. Set this to 50Mb save your settings and run a new process.


    Thread Starter ihsansfd


    Hello, thanks for the response. Actually it was solved by increasing the max memory limit from 256MB to 1256MB. Is this okay to do that, or is it better to do the things you suggested if possible?

    Plugin Contributor Prashant Baldha


    It is a good increase the max memory limit if it resolves the error.

Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • The topic ‘Stuck on uploads stage (there was a serious error on your site)’ is closed to new replies.