• Hi,
    Whenever i write a post or page and press return, a line is automatically left out.
    For example:
    i am writing a post and press return

    and this happens! a line is left out, so how can i make it so when i want to start a new line that:
    this happens and i can write on the line below without leaving a gap

    any help will be much appreciated
    many thanks

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  • Thread Starter jonny12345


    just read on a previous forum post it could be due to “generous line height in wordpress but that doesn;t sound right

    It sound’s like you have encountered WP’s wpautop.

    Most probably it’s because when you hit ENTER, you start a new paragraph.
    And each paragraph is encolsed in <p> tags.

    You can disable wpautop by adding this to your functions.php file:
    remove_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop');

    But then you will not get paragraphs when hitting enter.

    Thread Starter jonny12345


    I cant find wpautop in theme functions.php or ds.functions.php.
    Any other ideas?

    Thread Starter jonny12345


    Are you certain it is due to wpautop?

    If you look at the HTML code for your post, you will probably see that they are wrapped in <p> tags.

    Just add this line in your funtions.php file, and it will be removed:
    remove_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop');

    Personally I don’t remove wpautop, because then I don’t get paragraphs in posts.

    You may want to try shift+return this should give you a line break instead of a paragraph.

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