Navigation No permission & missing menu
I (administrator) dont seem to have permission to add pages to my navigation block when I click on it in the template editor in list view
There is no menu when I click on the navigator block either.
Could anyone help please?
Hi @leighonsea, is the site you’re working on the one listed in your forum profile? (your name dot com)
I see a navigation menu on that site, did you get the issue sorted?
If you’re still having trouble, could you clarif whether you’re trying to create a new menu and add new pages, or edit your existing menu and add new pages to it?
If you remove the Navigation block and add a fresh one, are you able to select your menu then?
Could you please provide the following information to help us better understand how to replicate the issue:
– What version of WordPress are you using?
– If you also have the standalone Gutenberg plugin active, what version is it?
– Is the issue present with all your plugins temporarily deactivated? You can use the Health Check plugin for this, which will not change your live site –
– Is the issue present with a default theme? Again, you can use the Health Check plugin for this.Hi @zoonini
Yes its
No, I didn’t sort it out, so this afternoon I used the workaround that I found in another post on these forums with the same problem that said to use the Gutenverse plugin Navmenu
That seems to have worked
Before I did this workaround, whilst trying to use the ‘standard’ navblock I seemed to have no access at all to menu’s in Appearance or in the Themes or list where it said I had no permission to edit menus
I was trying to add new pages to my menu, but didnt have any access to menus
I am using 6.0.2-en-GB
I have no standalone Gutenburg plugin installed
I did try deactivating all plugins (I only had Yoast) but it didnt make a difference
I didnt explicitly install the Healthcheck plugin but in Tools > Healthcheck it said all ok
I didnt try with a default theme, and since I am new to this I am reticent to ‘roll bak’ the work I did today and change themes in case when I go back to 2022 theme my cutomizations are lost since I made them as I was learning and I cant remember exactly what and how I did it ??
I have just put a standard nav bar back on my site, below the Gutenverse one, and now that the Gutenverse one is there I have a ‘select menu’ option which was not there before I installed Gutenverse, and also the message about no permissions on selection of the standard nav when in List View has disappeared.
However, only 4 out of the 5 of the pages in my ‘Menu 1’ that I selected is shown in the ‘standard’ nav blockEDIT: I just tried dis-activating the Gutenverse plugin, and then my standard nav block gave me the same errors as before. Further, when I reactivated my Gutenverse plugin, the standard nav block said menu had become unavailable and when I selected making a new one, the select menu for that block disappeared again, and the permissions error reappeared.
I did find quite a few people with the same problem:
I hope i havent muddied the waters, I tend to give a lot of info!
Thanks again for your reply – I would far rather just use the standard nav than rely on other plugins.
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@zoonini I just installed the health check plugin and enabled troubleshooting mode – it made no difference, still same errors and lack of menu access
Before I did this workaround, whilst trying to use the ‘standard’ navblock I seemed to have no access at all to menu’s in Appearance or in the Themes or list where it said I had no permission to edit menus
Block themes like Twenty Twenty-Two do not have the option to create or edit menus in the old Appearance > Customizer location, like classic themes do.
Is this a new site build with Twenty Twenty-Two, or had you been using a different theme before Twenty Twenty-Two on the same site? If so, which theme were you using before?
I’m wondering if something went awry in your switch from a classic (non-Full Site Editing theme) to a block theme.
Are you seeing an error message somewhere? If so, could you make a screencast of exactly what you’re doing to trigger the error or provide step-by-step instructions to replicate, along with screenshots?
Hi, thanks for the reply
This is my first site on WP and I started off with Twenty Twenty-Two
Before we go on, I am a little confused. How can I set up a website if there is no option to create or edit menus?
Or do you mean you have to create/edit them somewhere else, other than in Appearance > customization?Where should I be able to edit the menu in a block theme?
My screenshot above ( shows the error, when clicking on the nav block in the list view, I get – ‘no permission’, and there is no ‘select menu’ in the nav menu that appears when I click on the nav block.
step by step is:
1. Dashboard>Appearance>Themes>2022>Customise>Toggle Navigation>Templates>Page (isnt there a more direct way to do this!)
2. Click on nav block
3. No select-menu or any menu related link is available on the pop up menu.
4. Enable list view
5. Click on Nav block in list view and no permission error appears
The above is not always reproducible, unfortunately
I just did 1 to 3 and one time the select-menu option appeared and then the next time a start from empty option appeared, then back to no menu options the following time.Then one more time, 1 to 3, and I got the select menu option, which had two Menu 1 entries and when I selected one of them the Nav block is now populated with all the correct pages, not just the four that it was before
However, now the nav block has returned to having no menu options …
Further, I just accessed the (or one of the?) site editors via the edit site at the top of the page rather than via the dashboard etc etc etc as above and I get this:
There seems to be n different ways of doing the same thing, which I find confusing
what happens if I edit the nav block via edit site, and then do something else to the nav block via edit page template?
Are my pages all based on the template, which makes sense?
In which case, why can I also edit via edit site?Thanks again
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
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If you are looking to set up a navigation menu, what I have done on 3 different sites using twenty twenty two and full site editor is set it up directly in the header template.
As people here have already pointed out, the menu customization is different now. It happens directly in a template. So by modifying it on the header template, it automatically assigns that menu across the site.
You get there by clicking on Appearance > Edit > template parts > header
To get to template parts, you can toggle the templates navigation (not to be confused with the navigation block that you are looking for ?? ) at the left once you get into the editor or select template parts from the top menu.
Once you are in the header, if you do not see the navigation menu that means you will need to add a navigation block to the header.
(Reading this, this may be clear or completely unclear… let me know and I’ll put together some images somewhere for you to see what I mean.)
Thanks @tracyrosen !
I think I have just got to what you are describing via my bumbling method ??
I managed to get the nav block to work by deleting it and then setting it up again via the header template, rather than the page template as I was doing before.
I find that a bit strange as there is the capability to edit the header from withing the page editor.I am not 100% sure it will stay working tho LOL!
Next step is to deavtivate the Gutenverse plugin, which, even tho I have no Gutenverse blocks anymore, I am wary of doing in case my menu functionality disappears. Fingers crossed.
to answer one of my Q’s above – I can now see that editing something via edit site does the same thing as via edit template – one changes the other.
I am new so dont get confused because its different than before, although I am getting the idea that the change is gradual, currently leaving two systems in parallel?
Thanks again
I deactivated the Gutenverse pluggin and now my nav block in the header template (and everywhere else) said it was unavailable and when I replaced it with a new one I have no permissions again, and there seems to be no way to access menus and the nav bar onlyshows 4 out f 6 of my pages
Bum! LOL-
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
I think you aren’t actually editing the page, you are editing the site but from the POV of the front page, if that makes sense.
When I am logged into wordpress and I want to edit a page, if I click edit page in the wordpress top-bar, it brings me to the page content only. If I click edit site, it will bring me to the template version of the front page.
It looks like whatever edits we do there, will effect the template parts because the front page calls in those parts. You can also add some custom css tags for making things look fancy through the template parts. (You can see how I am trying to make the nav bar a little easier to use here.)
I am also learning as I go with this. ??
(Welcome to WordPress, I’ve been using it for 15 years or so and this is by far the biggest change I have seen so far.)Thanks @tracyrosen
I am sure I am editing the correct template as I have now reactivated the Gutenverse plugin and the edited the header template to remove that pesky ‘standard’ nav block and replaced it with the Gutenverse NavMenu block and I could easily select my menu and this Gutenverse navmenu block is working on all my pages on my site
I think that the problem is wit the nav block
Perhaps block themes like twenteytwenteytwo just arent compatible with the ‘standard’ nav block?-
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
I don’t know anything about that plugin. It could be that the menu was somehow originally created within the scope of that plugin so if I were you, I’d try creating a new menu by adding the menu pages manually (that is what I do. Whenever I want to add a page to the menu, I add it to the nav block.)
Or I believe that you can create a new menu directly from the nav block. I think I tried doing that at first but realized that adding things manually just worked better for me.
I think this might have been what I used as a reference when I was building my menu at first.
Thanks @tracyrosen
The thing is, without the Gutenverse plugin activated I have no select menu or any of the other menu options mentioned in all the guidesWell, sometimes I do, but its very unreliable
Now I have reactivated the Guternvese plugin I was able to add a nav block below the Navmenu block and select menu appeared and its all working.
activating the Gutenverse plugin also makes a menu entry appear under Appearance (and a customise entry as well from which I can access menus) and also there is then a menu button on the entry for the twneteytwentytwo theme under themes
Is the Gutenverse plugin forcing a reversion from FSE to classic editor? (I have no experience of classic editor as I have only just started)
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
I don’t know anything about that plugin but for sure if you created menus with it, they rely on the plugin for them to work. So if you are happy with how things are working with the plugin, then I’d say keep it. But if ever the plugin is no longer compatible or stops working for you, just know that you have to recreate your menus.
Each time you uninstalled the plugin… did you clear your cache? Not clearing your cache could be responsible for the inconsistent access to things. When I am making a lot of changes to a site, I generally view the site in different incognito windows or different browsers altogether to get a real time view of things that aren’t skewed by my cache.
Also, if ever you want to totally get rid of that plugin, it may be that you need to delete its menus beforehand so that you can really start fresh. Plugins can sometimes be messy.
I’m glad its working for you now!
Yes, I would rather not use a plugin in case it breaks, but ….
I deleted all menus (only one) and cleared cache and deactivated Gutenverse and then deleted the now non supported navmenu block nad inserted a nv block in my header template and it gave me a select menu option ??
So then the nav block is all working
However, when I try to edit the header I get nav block not available or deleted and the same old no permission errors
If I take the option of making a new menu then I get a new nav block with no select menu optionback to the drawing board LOL
I think the reason it is not working as it is supposed to do is all to do with the errors about me not having permissions to edit or create menus. But I am administrator.
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Sometimes it needs time – go have a coffee / tea, go for a walk, then restart your computer and see if it helps. Sometimes I give up and then when I start again the next day, it works.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the header file you were working on was still pointing to a cache somewhere…
Good luck (and good on you for sticking with it!!). -
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
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