• Hey! I have a php program which I uploaded to my file manager public_html file which became a custom page. This custom page is the folder that the php program is uploaded to. But I discovered that the page does not conform to my site’s wp design (WordPress scroll function, comment, pop up, etc,.), so I decided to create a WordPress post and embed the custom page into the wp post. After embedding the page into the wp post, I discovered that Google does not crawl the content of the embedded page as part of the WordPress post. Meanwhile, my intention is to make Google crawl the content of the embedded page as part of the content of the wp post because the content of the embedded page has almost all the contents, options, functionalities, and headings that will help Google to understand what the wp post is all about ad thereby rank it.
    Note: the reason why I can’t use this php program directly on my wp site using plugins like code snippet, WPCode,?Insert PHP Code Snippet, etc is because the php program is coded into folders/paths. So I zipped up the program and uploaded it to my file manager.

    My question is; what is the best way to insert this file into my wp post directly without embedding so that Google can crawl the content of the program?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
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  • Without re-writing everything, if it were me I would create a subdomain for your application, and just link to it from your main site.
    Otherwise, if you used the Insert PHP Code Snippet you could still embed in the plugin, and call the relative paths from your page.

    Thread Starter morviss


    @corrinarusso good suggestion, but I want to monetize the page and I am using ezoic ads. I know it’s possible to monetize subdomain with ezoic but cloudflare is always complicating it by changing the cname to A record. So I just wish to use it directly on my WordPress main site.
    ___ just to learn more from you, do you mean I can use the PHP code snippet to embed the program and call the relative path? If yes, then throw more light on this…
    Already, I have an index.php file that has called all the paths already! So if I may ask, will running the only the index.php file using the PHP code snippet makes it run the php program uploaded to my file manager? I haven’t tried it. So guide me more.

    Ugh CloudFlare.
    You can add an A Record with the IP address of your subdomain in order to resolve properly.

    Let me test this out and get back to you.
    I’ve got this set up running as you have described on a couple of client sites.

    Ok, here is my setup for an external application:

    – created a WordPress page like this, https://domain.com/my-custom-page
    – used xyz-wp-insert-code-snippet plugin in order to store all my js functions and objects, CDN calls, and paths to files in other folders
    – on this page https://domain.com/my-custom-page I use the shortcodes provided to me by xyz-wp-insert-code-snippet
    – the form action is self on https://domain.com/my-custom-page but all my required files are in the page from the plugin.
    – since I know where the page is being accessed from, I know how to kick off the script using the paths from the snippet plugin

    Thread Starter morviss


    @corrinarusso I can’t find any plugin by name “XYZ WP Insert Code Snippet” from the WordPress plugin directory! Can you please specify how I can get this plugin?

    Hi Morviss – sorry, I’d forgotten that I have purchased this plugin here:

    That said, I have used this one in the past – I’m sure it works very similarly:

    Thread Starter morviss


    @corrinarusso Thanks for the recommendation! One more thing; I don’t really know how to create paths for each of my code. Below is how my files are arranged;
    js(folder for my js files)
    css(folder for my css files)
    partials(folder for my forms/form fields)
    image (folder for background image)
    index.php(where I call all my folders/paths)
    From what I Can you please spare me a little of your time to guide me on how I will arrange the files to make it work.

    Do I just have to create each of the paths as single code snippet and then use the index.php to call each of them, such that, I will only generate a shortcode for index.php file and insert it into my article.

    If you do not want to use a sub-domain in the browser, then can you just use a new folder, and maintain it outside of WordPress?
    Create a new folder after public_html called my-application, then uncompress the entire program into my-application. Then when you hit domain.com/my-application/ all the files will load based on that relative path.
    etc, etc

    No need to over-complicate things with plugins, and wordpress integration, etc.

    You don’t need WordPress to use Ezoic:


    Thread Starter morviss


    @corrinarusso that’s how I have been using it. I just just thinking if I could find another easier way to integrate it. Anyways, I will leave it the way it is. Thanks for your time

    I would leave it imo. WordPress can make things overcomplicated at time, so use the right tool for the job. A good example of integration may be that your application requests users register, so you could use a REST action, or a Membership plugin to integrate users. But if your application stands alone then I would continue to maintain it outside of WordPress.

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