WordPress on IIS on Server 2019
I’m trying to install WordPress on IIS on a server running Windows Server 2019 Datacenter.
The Web Platform Installer stopped working a few years back, so I guess this has to be done manually.
I installed PHP (and then tested it by pointing my browser at a php file in the web root, which displayed a bunch of php info. Then I installed MySQL 8.0, including MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE.
I tried creating the database (schema) in the Workbench and when I attempt to fire up the WordPress Install, it pops up a box that says “The database server could be connected to (which means your username and password is okay) but the worpress database could not be selected.
Then if I try making changes, which I think should fix the issue, I get this output in the browser screen when I try to go to the WordPress Install file:
WordPress database error Table 'wordpress.wp_options' doesn't exist for query INSERT INTO
autoload) VALUES ('nonce_key', ':x=as$~
R?gPiVQGV,IhBaOTC_BB4XK&^r<SXh>.(%P6%{[z1o$h3|1Paf8ypa;|’, ‘no’) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATEoption_name
= VALUES(option_name
= VALUES(option_value
= VALUES(autoload
) made by wp_can_install_language_pack, WP_Upgrader->fs_connect, Automatic_Upgrader_Skin->request_filesystem_credentials, WP_Upgrader_Skin->request_filesystem_credentials, request_filesystem_credentials, wp_nonce_field, wp_create_nonce, wp_hash, wp_salt, update_site_option, update_network_option, add_network_option, add_optionIs there a compatibility issue with IIS and WordPress or MySQL? ANy recommendations on how to fix any of this?
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