• We have been using BlueHost after a bad experience at Fatcow for the past two months. After the first week, there was another domain on our server that caused a DDOS error. For the past five weeks, we’ve had MySQL performance and kernel upgrade issues. The downtime from the first DDOS issue exceeded 10 hours over the week. The downtime from the recent MySQL and kernel upgrade issues exceeded over 5 hours. The support reps have been less than satisfactory.

    Laughing Squid, DreamHost and Media Temple are also listed are highly recommended hosts from www.remarpro.com. Have anyone else used either Laughing Squid or DreamHost? Good support? Uptime?

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  • I have a friend who uses DreamHost. They’re ok, minus that they don’t have any phone support available. Keep in mind though, that wherever you go, any server is liable to undergo a ddos attack. If you blame something like that on the host, then you may find yourself sorely disappointed. It might be worth the read to study a little on what a ddos attack is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack

    You might also try sending an email to your host and see if migration to another server is a possibility

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