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  • I was doing a research recently and didn’t find anything worth at the Free world! So I won’t recommend any!

    All plugins I found need a lot of work and it lacks features, I came across wpjobboard plugin which is a premium plugin (not Free) although they have a new free job board theme!

    I wrote my personal review after installing it on my blog, here it is if you would like to take a look:

    Hello Talgalili,

    I have recently been searching for a good job board too. I have found 3 different free options and implemented all of them. However, I settled on the last one because of the advanced functionality. Try Jobamatic by Simply Hired.

    You can integrate the jobamatic board right into your site. Other solutions did not have this option just widgets and linked boards.

    Check out the following post on integrating the board into your site with a page template. Works great if you edit the template file just a little to include your theme header and options. Look at your theme’s index.php and go from there. I am NOT good with php and I figured it out. All except for how to remove the default header section from jobamatic’s file. Maybe I could just upload a single gif logo? Any thoughts or help for me on this subject would be greatly appreciated?

    If any of you figure out how to get rid of the default page header (it is not needed on an embeded page) please let me know how you did it. If you would like to see how I did the board on my website check out MPK Media.

    One more thing if you want to see the other solutions you can find them here: or I chose the jobamatic board because sites like LinkedIn, MySpace, BusinessWeek, and The Washington Post use it for their job listings. Their database has around 5 million job listings. It also has an advanced XML option to do exactly what you want to do. Good luck and let me know how it works out for you.



    I am currently developing a plugin using the SimplyHired XML API which you can access if you have a Job-a-matic publishers account.

    This plugin if for building niche job boards and utilizes O*NET classifications for better search results.

    You can find the WP-SimplyHired API plugin in the repository. I am still adding more bells and whistles to it, but as it stands right now it is quite functional.

    The plugin actually adds content to your pages without the need of javascripting or Iframe hacks. It also handles click tracking so you can get paid for the featured jobs. A widget is also included.


    Also, in regards to getting rid of the header, just put an empty <div></div> inside the header box in your settings. That should over-ride their header.

    Hi Webstractions,

    Thanks for the information about your plugin and the tip for getting rid of the header. Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you sooner. My email is flooded and missed your response initially.



    No worries Trish. Email can be a bugger!

    Since I wrote last, it appears that SimplyHired has shut down their forum. Now you have to go through the “ticket” process. It is not like they were very responsive in the first place, but at least there were a couple of publishers there that knew what they were doing and helped out quite a bit.


    I am new to this discussion but need experts help,Can anybody help me to tell,I want that before a job is post the user should get registered with our site and then post a job.but I am not able to do the same.So please can any one help me.The user must first register and then he must be provided by the link to post a job.but this does not happen he can directly post the job which I don’t want.

    Please help me this is really important for me.Waiting for you reply and help as the same.


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