• I had a perfectly working v 2.9.2 of WP.

    I upgraded to 3.0 and now I am having trouble with 404 redirect loops in firefox.

    The problem is tied into the custom permalinks setting where my catageory base of ./ (to remove /category/ from urls) is the cause of the problem.

    I have tried deactivation, deleting and resintalling plugins to no effect.

    When I set my permalinks to be default, they work fine. When I leave my category base as default, it works fine. Only when I use the ctageory base as ./ does it get a loop problem when I click on the category on WP frontend.

    Also the category base shows up as . in WP, even though I set it to ./

    I have updated .htaccess to no effect.

    Please can someone help me as I have had https://www.myblog.co.uk/therealcategory/post.html as my custom structure for a year now and dont want to have to change it!

    Many thanks…

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  • Anonymous User


    I somehow doubt there is anything you can do, that seems a very weird permalink.

    I’d suggest using a default permalink structure, and add some redirect rules to your htaccess to try and minimise the effects of the change over.

    I have your same problem. Have you found a solution?

    I solved the problem setting doing:


    changhing the base dir from “.” to blank. In this way wordpress prepend category/ in the url.
    Then I installed wp-no-category-in-url plugin and it worked.

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