Fine, I get it.
Just one more question. Is there any limit with html templates? I mean, the language thing was only an example.
The real thing is we are a travel agency and we have, lets say, 20 one day trips. And we have a form in the trip page to ask for a quote, and a button for a “book now!” page. All the trips will have the same book now page destination with the same form, but different query.
The button to the book now page is something like “URL/?trip=XXX” so “trip” will be a query that define what the form should show.
So, keeping in mind will send an e-mail to the client, one more to us, your are saying I have to define like 20×2= 40 email templates.
Is it possible?
One more thing. All the e-mails and form have the same fields, I mean:
Kind Regards
Kind Regards
But, keeping in mind we will have like 20 different {html} references, is there any way to redefine the html reference,so instead having {html-1}, {html-2},…{html-20}, having something like {html-paristrip}, {html-lyontrip}, … {html-marseilletrip}?
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by