Significant advantages to better integrate with LScache
From the page
“Any WordPress plugin that populates front-end content that can be publicly cached should work with LSCache.
However, if the plugin needs to update some data, and the cache does not automatically purge the cached page, you may be required to write an integration script to remedy this or invoke LSCWP’s third party plugin integration framework .”
This post is meant to be a bit of a feature suggestion. After searching the forums learning more and more about web server caching and the differences between disk-caching and app-level caching there are significant advantages of app-level caching. This can be be seen in tffb load times, and is especially effective when used in conjunction with compatible server technology (i.e. litespeed or redis).
After reading the FAQs and reading all the replies about how to make the two plugins compatible I find my solution lacking. If I choose to forgo the advantage of app-level caching, the move to a new host with litespeed and the benefits of integration are lost.
Without your plugin dynamic sites on Cloudflare are just not as good. In my opinion you guys have developed the single best cloudflare integration plugin for wordpress.
But when using the fallback page caching solution we loose all the advantage of the LScaceh plugin app-level cahing. Another example is object caching, we would need to install a 3rd plugin.
However when we disable the fallback page cache (against your recommendation), and use only LSCache we run into other problems. There are weird fragments of cache kept on Cloudflare and the cart of our WooCommerce store.
So would there be a possibility of more deeply integrating your plugin with LSCache so the clear cache calls are sync’d? Perhaps there are other advantages or disadvantages, so any comments are greatly appreciated.
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