Hi @eliac7
If you don’t really experience any problems with these images, then your security department don’t have to worry about these base64 codes, as for small images it is actually a common practice to load them as base64 code instead of a file.
Anyways I added it to our To Do list, to implement a Base64 On-Off feature to enable this base64 encoding, however as I see we haven’t received any requests for this so far so it can probably take some time until we add this feature, as we implement the features according to the number of requests we receive.
In the Pro version we already have an option to displaying a custom arrow image instead of the base64 encoded SVG. However as per the forum guidelines, topics about commercial products can not be discussed here. So if you would like to know more about the mentioned Pro feature, then please get in touch with us directly over our ticket system:
and we will tell you more about that feature.
Best regards,