Hey @symbio9890,
Thank you for providing all of these extra details! I really appreciate it!
Currently, we don’t have any short term plans for the functionality you’ve described. However, I can understand how this could be useful both for you and for other businesses using SliceWP.
I have noted your thoughts down for more research. As a first step, we are thinking of at least providing a way to list customers that are linked to the affiliate, similar to how commissions and visits show up in the affiliate’s account. This could at least showcase if the customer made a purchase or not. It’s not much, but it’s a starting point.
At the moment however, I can’t offer you a timeframe for the functionality.
Also, if you believe you have any extra feedback that could help us shape the feature or if you have any questions about SliceWP, please let me know. Happy to help if I can.
Thank you and best wishes,