Let me answer your questions one by one.
>>In case I need to set a button with shortcode “add to compare” on the Elementor product page and on a separate page shortcode “compare list”. How to do it?
Currently, there is no shortcode available for the compare button.
Further, the shortcode available for the compare page is mentioned below.
>>How to set shortcode-button “add to whishlist” in product page?
[thwwac_addtowishlist] is the shortcode used to set the wishlist button on the product page.
>>Also, please tell me where I can look at the list of all shortcodes of this plugin.
The available shortcodes are listed below.
[thwwac_wishlist] – for wishlist page.
[thwwac_compare_list] – for compare page.
[thwwac_addtowishlist_loop] – wishlist button on shop page.
[thwwac_addtowishlist] – wishlist button on product page.
Thank you!