@frogstar007 There is a requirement for a single location rather than a SAB due to the Places API only returning data for a single location. I hope this is clear in the plugin’s requirements and within the plugin itself.
If you perform a search through the Place ID Finder, it only returns results for single location places (excluding SABs) so you’ll know of it works with this plugin (or not) at this point.
I am considering adding additional APIs at some point to circumvent this issue, but I don’t have a timeline for this functionality yet. I’m also launching a multiple location version of this plugin that will support SABs in a later version.
If you do want to receive data through your Place ID, you can switch your place to a specific location in your Google My Business listing.
I know this is a little disappointing, I feel similarly because of the restriction placed on this API by Google.
If you wish, drop me an email – wordpress dash plugins at designextreme dot com and I’ll inform you personally of any future changes in functionality that mean SABs are supported.
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
Design Extreme. Reason: Added second paragraph