Hi @alanjacobs
Thanks for take your time reporting this!
It’s strange that your analytics are reporting that AutomatorWP is causing those slowdowns, mainly because AutomatorWP was designed with the most performance mechanism
For integrations:
AutomatorWP does a PHP check to meet if the integrated plugin is installed in the site
For example, when you install GamiPress, it’s main class, named GamiPress too, gets loaded in your site (as well as for WooCommerce, or any other plugin)
AutomatorWP just checks if that class exists, making the process extremely fast because there is no any database query involved
For automations:
No matters the number of automations you have in your site, AutomatorWP does not makes use of them until a user have completed all their triggers
For example, imagine an automation that has the triggers “User completes a purchase” and “User earns 100 points”, this automation does not get loaded at any moment, just at the moment a user makes a purchase is when one of the triggers will get loaded
If the user just have completed one of the triggers, AutomatorWP will add just 1 database entry to meet it
At the moment the user completes the other trigger, is the unique moment that the automation will get loaded to meet it’s actions and execute them
All those processes are also made with an internal cache that AutomatorWP builds at the moment you are configuring the automation, to make any automation execution extremely fast
Also, AutomatorWP is made based on GamiPress, our first plugin which is core have been developed and improved during 6 years, so AutomatorWP is benefited from all the good practices and performance mechanisms (cache, query performance, the minimum code checks at possible, etc) to make it a lightweight plugin
Even we tested it in low resources servers to ensure that will have the lowest impact to your site
So some of the recommendations to speed up your sever are:
1 – Use PHP 7 or higher: after PHP 7, the PHP engine has been improved a lot making it extremely faster
2 – Switch your tables engine to InnoDB: much hostings use MyIsam engine on its databases by default which is much more slower than InnoDB, this simple change can speed up your site twice since all database queries from WordPress and the plugins you are using will be more faster
3 – Repeat your tests switching your theme: Commonly themes are plenty of features, but also much of them are overloading the site since they work in the most critical place, the frontend, commonly people check first the plugins for slowdowns, but from our experience we see a lot of times that the one who causes much of the slowdowns is the theme, so do not forgive it in your test since is one of the most critical pieces
Hope that will all those recommendations you can find the slowdowns causes from your site!
Best regards