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  • Can you elaborate on that, please?

    i too would like to here more about this



    my team are about a week away from creating this “holy grail” a fully functional and secure osCommerce plug in for WP.
    it is a monster task, but thankfully i have a genius running the team and we are 80% with no issues todate.

    we are also looking for beta can sign up at

    Clayton James



    You’re at 80% of what, and exactly who(m) has been calling it the “Holy Grail”, other than you?

    Post a link to the documentation that proves you’re making valid statements, and let’s see the facts!

    p.s, Everyone on the internet is a genius. ??



    we are at 80% completion of the WP OSC plugin i posted about, what else would it be? …80% of my laundry done?

    regarding posts calling it the “holy grail” click here for one example

    also, why would i be asking for testers if i wasn’t making a valid statement? and how can i show you the facts..when it only 80% done?

    i get it, your the angry forum guy with a cool bad attitude, whos rude and looks down on the rest of us, and dont you just hate them “noobs”…… dont be a cliche mate.

    just looking for testers for a plugin, thats all…not claiming to cure cancer.

    “p.s, Everyone on the internet is a genius. ?? ” not touching that one.

    Clayton James


    I see. Psychoanalysis of internet strangers in three sentences or less. Okay… I’ll play! ??

    i get it, your the angry forum guy with a cool bad attitude, whos rude and looks down on the rest of us, and dont you just hate them “noobs”…… dont be a cliche mate.

    No. You don’t “get it”, at all in fact.

    It’s interesting that you choose to immediately adopt an defensive posture at (the perception of) a potentially negative comment toward your claims or product – or at the thought of anyone asking you to provide more information to support your exuberant declarations.

    My questions gave you a perfectly legitimate opportunity to expand on detailing the features and benefits of your product by responding with a glowing review of your own accomplishments in a free and open environment where actual dialog is possible. Your choice instead, was to simply provide several over-reactive, passive-aggressive examples of your own need to display what could be interpreted as concerns about your own insecurities.

    You aren’t going to be creating any sustainable rapport with potential clients anytime soon if you continue on with that, but I do admire your enthusiasm.

    Now that that is out of the way, I actually have (or had), some genuine interest in your thoughts on security in the e-commerce environment. But that moment has passed. I do, however wish you great success in your efforts, and perhaps when the project matures a little more I will get an opportunity to look over the final product.

    Best wishes, and much success to you.


    clayton, i am a very nice person, and also not a dummy…and i can see neither are you. We both have obviously been around the block. So please dont insult my intelligence with the innocent “what did i say wrong?” routine.

    You started your comment with condescending tone and ending with a sarcastic comment…for no reason.

    You’re at 80% of what, and exactly who(m) has been calling it the “Holy Grail”, other than you?

    p.s, Everyone on the internet is a genius. ??

    so at least man up and say “ok i could have not used that “tone” to someone merely asking from help from the community.

    i will be happy to let you take a peak, and as we are only 90% done i am not (yet) being defensive of the product as 10% in this game is a million miles…it might not ever work. (might explain why noone have managed it yet)

    If your still interested i would be happy to discuss the project or simply getting you the beta plugin

    Wosci is integration of WordPress and osCommerce (not plugin), you can download from here

    demo :

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