1. Make sure you’re leagues (Sportspress –> Leagues) and seasons (Sportspress –> Seasons) are setup to your liking.
2. Go to Events –> Events and click on “Import Fixtures”. In that screen, click on “Click here to download a sample”. This will download a template for you.
3. Open the template in excel (or whatever editor you prefer) and populate the columns in the template. This is what mine currently looks like:
Date Time Venue Home Away
7/10/2022 9:45 Skymark GTA Generals 4QT
7/10/2022 11:00 Skymark GTA Rockets Envy
7/10/2022 12:15 Skymark Bullets GTA Foxes
7/10/2022 13:45 Skymark Groundhogs Vibe
Once you have input your entire season, save the file as csv. NOTE: Sportspress will import the exact team names you’ve typed in. If SP can’t find a team name, it will create a new team.
4. In “Import Fixtures”, click on “Choose File” and find the file you were just working on. Now click on “Upload file and import”. All this does is parse your file and start the import process.
5. On the next screen, be sure to set “Format”, “League”, “Season” and “Date Format” (matching it to your file). Also go and set any column that you are not using to “–Disable –”
6. Go down the list of fixtures making sure that everything looks correct and that the number of fixtures is displayed at the bottom of the page (plus 1 – as there will be a blank line at the end [which is normal and fine])
7. If something does not look correct, you can abandon this import, go and fix the csv file and start the import process again.
8. If everything DOES look fine, you can click on the “Import Fixtures” button. When the import is complete, the system will tell you how many records it has imported and created events for.
Hope this helps you out.