Hi @stormit,
thank you for providing additional details, we truly appreciate it.
I’ve also debugged and tested with an old export file and came to the same conclusion (changing the “count” value to non 0 in the wp_term_taxonomy
table will display the menu in the admin area and in the selected menu locations as well).
I think the cause for this issue is this WP 6.0 change: https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/commit/c220f2315508479bed38bcda2cce77986a1f2c71
The import is actually almost complete (just the counts are not updated). And prior to WP 6.0 this was not an issue, since this “count” parameter was not checked.
I still have to figure out why these “count” values are not being updated for some menus.
When I tested an import with 5 menus, 3 of them were OK (had count values) and 2 of them did not.
I also tested with a fresh WP site and created a new export with a few menus and all of them imported just OK…
I’ll continue to dig into this issue and hopefully come up with a solution soon.
Please let me know if you also find out anything else.
Take care!