• Resolved Code Amp


    Hi there!

    I’ve had a report from a user of our plugin that a fatal error is being caused when trying to run it in conjunction with your plugin:

    I’ve see some other posts in your support forum that allude to the same issue, and that the plugin author (me, in this case) is using the filesystem wrong, eg:

    I’m hoping you could direct me to which part of the code is incorrect, as I though we are checking to see if things have failed before proceeding to write files etc…

    Existing code for initialising the filesystem (we do things like creating a folder, and checking if that succeeded, and write a file, and check if that succeeded).

    This is an extract:

    global $wp_filesystem;
    $filesystem = $wp_filesystem;
    $dir_exists = $filesystem->exists( $cl_dir );
    if ( ! $dir_exists ) {
    	$mk_dir_result = $filesystem->mkdir( $cl_dir ); // Try to create the folder
    	if ( ! $mk_dir_result ) {
    		// log error
    		if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) ) {
    			if ( WP_DEBUG === true ) {
    				error_log( esc_html__( "Custom Layouts: Unable to write folder, info:", 'custom-layouts' ) );
    				error_log( esc_html( $filesystem->errors->get_error_message() ) );
    	else {
    		$dir_exists = true;

    Any help in resolving this would be appreciated ??

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