Thanks for your reply.
So I have added a New Member manually via the Users tab, and then created the Membership for that new User.
That works.
I only have SIMPLE requirement for my Client site for Simple Membership only.
They ONLy have 1 page for MEMBERS to view Videos.
And No payment required.
AND Admin will be ADDING in New Members Manually (so NO registration form).
That’s basically my requirement.
It’s a pity the Paid Plugin is so expensive, as I see there is an Add On screen for backend Admins to ADD New Members manually which is what I need.
But the way I just added a New Member via USERS MENU still works and does the job for now. It has an extra step to Add that User as a MEMBERSHIP, but it will hopefully be OK for the client.
I like how your plugin allows for the Email to be sent to the New Member and allows them to RESET the password etc.
And I like how you have a decent LOGIN page for New Member.
I have a question about the membership-account page that is standard.
It uses the code [pmpro_account] and I see all the details that shows on this page.
There is some information we DON’T need viewed, HOW can I remove some of this information?
* View All Membership Options we need to REMOVE
* And the CANCEL Membership button we need to REMOVE
Is this achievable ? Where do I find the TEMPLATE to edit this please?
Are there shortcodes that can be found, so maybe then I can just create a New Membership Account minus the INFO that I don’t need ?
But I still need the bottom section that says “MY ACCOUNT” that shows the Customers Details, email , Username
AND I still need the bottom section that has “EDIT PROFILE” and “CHANGE PASSWORD” and “LOG OUT”
As my client site ONLY has Members to be added Manually by ADMIN, AND there is NO payment required …I have a question about the Membership Account page that Members are redirected to once they login.
Is there a way to have Members after they login to be redirected to a particular Page like a page I have created called “MEMBERS DASHBOARD”
I have created 1 page and MEMBERS will ONLy have 1 page for now that needs to be REDIRECTED to this page once they Login.
OR How can Members see the Page that is ONLY for them ? I cannot find documentation and am bit confused about this ?
Is this achievable please and HOW can I do this ?
I assumed it would be easy. And I hope the PAID Plugin is NOT required for this feature?
Thanks in advance for your help. I like your plugin.