• Resolved mattyblob


    Hi Joost,

    I’ve now launched our Zettle integration with just over 4000 products but I’m having an issue.

    There are a few products that won’t stay synced (approx 30 or so). There’s nothing I can determine that they have in common, it’s a mix of simple and variable products.

    The strange behaviour comes when you attempt to refresh the sync by updating the product in Woo – the “View product at Paypal Zettle” link then shows but takes you to an entirely different product.

    If you click Update a second time it seems to fix the problem and the Zettle link will take you to the correct product – HOWEVER the wrong product that got linked the first time around is then knocked out of sync and the same thing happens all over again with that product. It just goes back and forth, no matter what I do I can only have one or the other of these inexplicably linked products synced at any one time.

    Do you have any ideas please? I’ve included the last hour of plugin logs for your review.

    2022-05-17T16:03:18+00:00 INFO Moved 16 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:03:18+00:00 INFO Moved 10 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:03:18+00:00 INFO Moved 15 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:03:18+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product-stock' with ID 0.
    2022-05-17T16:03:18+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product' with ID 16516.
    2022-05-17T16:03:18+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:04:05+00:00 DEBUG Added 1 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:04:07+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product' with ID 16517.
    2022-05-17T16:04:07+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:04:20+00:00 DEBUG Added 1 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:04:21+00:00 INFO Product with Id:5018 and Uuid:6070c021-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a was successfully created at PayPal Zettle Backoffice.
    2022-05-17T16:04:22+00:00 INFO Enabled inventory tracking for WC product 5018 with UUID 6070c021-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    2022-05-17T16:04:22+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'set-inventory-tracking' with ID 0.
    2022-05-17T16:04:22+00:00 INFO Attempting to sync inventory of WC_Product_Variable 5018 with PayPal Zettle UUID 6070c021-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    2022-05-17T16:04:22+00:00 INFO Moved 19 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:04:22+00:00 INFO Moved 56 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:04:22+00:00 INFO Moved 25 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:04:22+00:00 INFO Moved 20 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:04:22+00:00 INFO Moved 44 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:04:22+00:00 INFO Moved 11 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:04:23+00:00 INFO Moved 36 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:04:23+00:00 INFO Moved 17 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:04:23+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product-stock' with ID 0.
    2022-05-17T16:04:23+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product' with ID 16518.
    2022-05-17T16:04:23+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:04:37+00:00 DEBUG Added 1 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:04:39+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product' with ID 16519.
    2022-05-17T16:04:39+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:10+00:00 DEBUG Added 1 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:10+00:00 INFO Product with Id:6623 and Uuid:6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a was successfully created at PayPal Zettle Backoffice.
    2022-05-17T16:05:10+00:00 INFO Enabled inventory tracking for WC product 6623 with UUID 6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    2022-05-17T16:05:10+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'set-inventory-tracking' with ID 0.
    2022-05-17T16:05:10+00:00 INFO Attempting to sync inventory of WC_Product_Simple 6623 with PayPal Zettle UUID 6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    2022-05-17T16:05:10+00:00 INFO Moved 3 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:05:10+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product-stock' with ID 0.
    2022-05-17T16:05:10+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product' with ID 16520.
    2022-05-17T16:05:10+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:18+00:00 DEBUG Added 1 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:20+00:00 INFO ZettleRestException: CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION
    Got status 422 when sending PUT request to https://products.izettle.com/organizations/self/products/v2/6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    The request entity has constraint violations
     Violations: [{"developerMessage":"Variants expected to have 1 variant options present","constraintType":"UNKNOWN","value":"FullProductUpdateRequest(uuid=6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a, categories=[], name=CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher, description=Optional[Quite simply the best range of Launchers available on the market. Perfect for hands free, 'no slobber' pick-up. Chuckit! Ball Launchers throw faster and further!\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Excellent range of high quality Launchers<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Durable plastic designs with ergonomic handles<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Range of throwing distances and ball sizes<\/li>\r\n \t<li>The longer the Launcher the further the throw!<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Assorted colours Blue, Green and Orange<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>], imageLookupKeys=[G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg], presentation=Optional[PresentationDTO(imageUrl=https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg, backgroundColor=null, textColor=null)], variants=[VariantDTO(uuid=6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a, name=Optional[CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher], description=Optional.empty, sku=Optional[660048065005], barcode=Optional[660048065005], price=Optional.empty, costPrice=Optional.empty, options=null, presentation=Optional[PresentationDTO(imageUrl=https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg, backgroundColor=null, textColor=null)])], externalReference=Optional.empty, unitName=Optional.empty, vatPercentage=Optional[20], online=Optional.empty, variantOptionDefinitions=Optional[VariantOptionDefinitions(definitions=[VariantOptionDefinition(name=Size, properties=[VariantOptionProperties(value=M, imageUrl=Optional.empty), VariantOptionProperties(value=L, imageUrl=Optional.empty)])])], taxCode=null, category=Optional.empty, metadata=Optional[MetadataDTO(inPos=true, source=Optional[SourceDTO(name=WooCommerce, external=true)])], taxRates=[], taxExempt=false)"}]
     Thrown in /home/570910.cloudwaysapps.com/fupgtnsmjd/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zettle-pos-integration/modules/zettle-php-sdk/src/Psr18RestClient.php:184
     With data: {"developerMessage":"The request entity has constraint violations","errorType":"CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION","violations":[{"developerMessage":"Variants expected to have 1 variant options present","constraintType":"UNKNOWN","value":"FullProductUpdateRequest(uuid=6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a, categories=[], name=CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher, description=Optional[Quite simply the best range of Launchers available on the market. Perfect for hands free, 'no slobber' pick-up. Chuckit! Ball Launchers throw faster and further!\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Excellent range of high quality Launchers<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Durable plastic designs with ergonomic handles<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Range of throwing distances and ball sizes<\/li>\r\n \t<li>The longer the Launcher the further the throw!<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Assorted colours Blue, Green and Orange<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>], imageLookupKeys=[G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg], presentation=Optional[PresentationDTO(imageUrl=https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg, backgroundColor=null, textColor=null)], variants=[VariantDTO(uuid=6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a, name=Optional[CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher], description=Optional.empty, sku=Optional[660048065005], barcode=Optional[660048065005], price=Optional.empty, costPrice=Optional.empty, options=null, presentation=Optional[PresentationDTO(imageUrl=https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg, backgroundColor=null, textColor=null)])], externalReference=Optional.empty, unitName=Optional.empty, vatPercentage=Optional[20], online=Optional.empty, variantOptionDefinitions=Optional[VariantOptionDefinitions(definitions=[VariantOptionDefinition(name=Size, properties=[VariantOptionProperties(value=M, imageUrl=Optional.empty), VariantOptionProperties(value=L, imageUrl=Optional.empty)])])], taxCode=null, category=Optional.empty, metadata=Optional[MetadataDTO(inPos=true, source=Optional[SourceDTO(name=WooCommerce, external=true)])], taxRates=[], taxExempt=false)"}]}
     and payload: {"uuid":"6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a","name":"CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher","description":"Quite simply the best range of Launchers available on the market. Perfect for hands free, 'no slobber' pick-up. Chuckit! Ball Launchers throw faster and further!\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Excellent range of high quality Launchers<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Durable plastic designs with ergonomic handles<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Range of throwing distances and ball sizes<\/li>\r\n \t<li>The longer the Launcher the further the throw!<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Assorted colours Blue, Green and Orange<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","imageLookupKeys":["G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg"],"variants":[{"uuid":"6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a","name":"CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher","sku":"660048065005","defaultQuantity":3,"presentation":{"imageUrl":"https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg","backgroundColor":null,"textColor":null},"barcode":"660048065005"}],"presentation":{"imageUrl":"https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg","backgroundColor":null,"textColor":null},"etag":"8A40DBF42228B92887734FA63E9E9F28","createdAt":"2022-05-17T16:05:20+00:00","taxExempt":false,"metadata":{"inPos":true,"source":{"name":"WooCommerce","external":true}}}
    2022-05-17T16:05:20+00:00 WARNING Inpsyde\Zettle\PhpSdk\Exception\ZettleRestException: Got status 422 when sending PUT request to https://products.izettle.com/organizations/self/products/v2/6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a in /home/570910.cloudwaysapps.com/fupgtnsmjd/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zettle-pos-integration/modules/zettle-php-sdk/src/Psr18RestClient.php:184
    2022-05-17T16:05:20+00:00 WARNING Error while updating Product 6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a. Skipping...
    2022-05-17T16:05:20+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product' with ID 16521.
    2022-05-17T16:05:20+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:33+00:00 DEBUG Added 1 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:33+00:00 INFO ZettleRestException: CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION
    Got status 422 when sending PUT request to https://products.izettle.com/organizations/self/products/v2/6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    The request entity has constraint violations
     Violations: [{"developerMessage":"Variants expected to have 1 variant options present","constraintType":"UNKNOWN","value":"FullProductUpdateRequest(uuid=6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a, categories=[], name=CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher, description=Optional[Quite simply the best range of Launchers available on the market. Perfect for hands free, 'no slobber' pick-up. Chuckit! Ball Launchers throw faster and further!\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Excellent range of high quality Launchers<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Durable plastic designs with ergonomic handles<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Range of throwing distances and ball sizes<\/li>\r\n \t<li>The longer the Launcher the further the throw!<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Assorted colours Blue, Green and Orange<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>], imageLookupKeys=[G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg], presentation=Optional[PresentationDTO(imageUrl=https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg, backgroundColor=null, textColor=null)], variants=[VariantDTO(uuid=6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a, name=Optional[CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher], description=Optional.empty, sku=Optional[660048065005], barcode=Optional[660048065005], price=Optional.empty, costPrice=Optional.empty, options=null, presentation=Optional[PresentationDTO(imageUrl=https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg, backgroundColor=null, textColor=null)])], externalReference=Optional.empty, unitName=Optional.empty, vatPercentage=Optional[20], online=Optional.empty, variantOptionDefinitions=Optional[VariantOptionDefinitions(definitions=[VariantOptionDefinition(name=Size, properties=[VariantOptionProperties(value=M, imageUrl=Optional.empty), VariantOptionProperties(value=L, imageUrl=Optional.empty)])])], taxCode=null, category=Optional.empty, metadata=Optional[MetadataDTO(inPos=true, source=Optional[SourceDTO(name=WooCommerce, external=true)])], taxRates=[], taxExempt=false)"}]
     Thrown in /home/570910.cloudwaysapps.com/fupgtnsmjd/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zettle-pos-integration/modules/zettle-php-sdk/src/Psr18RestClient.php:184
     With data: {"developerMessage":"The request entity has constraint violations","errorType":"CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION","violations":[{"developerMessage":"Variants expected to have 1 variant options present","constraintType":"UNKNOWN","value":"FullProductUpdateRequest(uuid=6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a, categories=[], name=CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher, description=Optional[Quite simply the best range of Launchers available on the market. Perfect for hands free, 'no slobber' pick-up. Chuckit! Ball Launchers throw faster and further!\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Excellent range of high quality Launchers<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Durable plastic designs with ergonomic handles<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Range of throwing distances and ball sizes<\/li>\r\n \t<li>The longer the Launcher the further the throw!<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Assorted colours Blue, Green and Orange<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>], imageLookupKeys=[G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg], presentation=Optional[PresentationDTO(imageUrl=https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg, backgroundColor=null, textColor=null)], variants=[VariantDTO(uuid=6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a, name=Optional[CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher], description=Optional.empty, sku=Optional[660048065005], barcode=Optional[660048065005], price=Optional.empty, costPrice=Optional.empty, options=null, presentation=Optional[PresentationDTO(imageUrl=https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg, backgroundColor=null, textColor=null)])], externalReference=Optional.empty, unitName=Optional.empty, vatPercentage=Optional[20], online=Optional.empty, variantOptionDefinitions=Optional[VariantOptionDefinitions(definitions=[VariantOptionDefinition(name=Size, properties=[VariantOptionProperties(value=M, imageUrl=Optional.empty), VariantOptionProperties(value=L, imageUrl=Optional.empty)])])], taxCode=null, category=Optional.empty, metadata=Optional[MetadataDTO(inPos=true, source=Optional[SourceDTO(name=WooCommerce, external=true)])], taxRates=[], taxExempt=false)"}]}
     and payload: {"uuid":"6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a","name":"CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher","description":"Quite simply the best range of Launchers available on the market. Perfect for hands free, 'no slobber' pick-up. Chuckit! Ball Launchers throw faster and further!\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li>Excellent range of high quality Launchers<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Durable plastic designs with ergonomic handles<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Range of throwing distances and ball sizes<\/li>\r\n \t<li>The longer the Launcher the further the throw!<\/li>\r\n \t<li>Assorted colours Blue, Green and Orange<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","imageLookupKeys":["G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg"],"variants":[{"uuid":"6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a","name":"CHUCKIT! Sport 25 Medium Ball Launcher","sku":"660048065005","defaultQuantity":3,"presentation":{"imageUrl":"https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg","backgroundColor":null,"textColor":null},"barcode":"660048065005"}],"presentation":{"imageUrl":"https:\/\/image.izettle.com\/productimage\/o\/G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-JtqNMdX7EeyGw-CfV1y-Kg","backgroundColor":null,"textColor":null},"etag":"8A40DBF42228B92887734FA63E9E9F28","createdAt":"2022-05-17T16:05:33+00:00","taxExempt":false,"metadata":{"inPos":true,"source":{"name":"WooCommerce","external":true}}}
    2022-05-17T16:05:33+00:00 WARNING Inpsyde\Zettle\PhpSdk\Exception\ZettleRestException: Got status 422 when sending PUT request to https://products.izettle.com/organizations/self/products/v2/6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a in /home/570910.cloudwaysapps.com/fupgtnsmjd/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zettle-pos-integration/modules/zettle-php-sdk/src/Psr18RestClient.php:184
    2022-05-17T16:05:33+00:00 WARNING Error while updating Product 6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a. Skipping...
    2022-05-17T16:05:33+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product' with ID 16522.
    2022-05-17T16:05:33+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Added 1 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Added 3 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 WARNING Skipping WC_Product_Simple 6623, not syncable because: Excluded.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product' with ID 16523.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 INFO Disabled inventory tracking for WC product 6623 with UUID 6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'set-inventory-tracking' with ID 16524.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Product with ID:6624 will be deleted.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Added 2 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 INFO The Product 6623|6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a was successfully deleted from PayPal Zettle Backoffice.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'delete-product' with ID 16525.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 INFO Deleted product mapping 6623 <-> 6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 INFO Deleted variant mapping 6623 <-> 6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 INFO ID-mapping cleared for product 6623
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'unlink-product' with ID 16526.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 WARNING No remote ID found for local ID 6624
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'unlink-product' with ID 16527.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Added 1 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 NOTICE Job 'unlink-product' with ID 16527
                    failed 1/3 times and will run again
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 INFO Deleted product image mapping 6801 <-> G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-DvrYbtSsEeyvIyUrZQilQA
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 ERROR Could not find Variant Image 6801 for 6626
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 INFO Deleted variant image mapping 6800 <-> G7p4lI93EeyBACxkN76MuA-Dw_JktSsEeyE8VpLEbCqmw
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'unlink-images' with ID 16528.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 WARNING No remote ID found for local ID 6624
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'unlink-product' with ID 16529.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Added 1 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 NOTICE Job 'unlink-product' with ID 16529
                    failed 2/3 times and will run again
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 WARNING No remote ID found for local ID 6624
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'unlink-product' with ID 16530.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Added 1 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 NOTICE Job 'unlink-product' with ID 16530
                    failed 3/3 times and will run again
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 WARNING No remote ID found for local ID 6624
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'unlink-product' with ID 16531.
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:48+00:00 NOTICE Job 'unlink-product' with ID 16531
                 has failed 3 times and will NOT run again
    2022-05-17T16:05:59+00:00 DEBUG Added 1 jobs to the queue
    2022-05-17T16:05:59+00:00 INFO ZettleRestException: ENTITY_NOT_FOUND
    Got status 404 when sending GET request to https://products.izettle.com/organizations/self/products/6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    PRODUCT_V2 with UUID 6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a not found
     Violations: []
     Thrown in /home/570910.cloudwaysapps.com/fupgtnsmjd/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zettle-pos-integration/modules/zettle-php-sdk/src/Psr18RestClient.php:184
     With data: {"developerMessage":"PRODUCT_V2 with UUID 6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a not found","errorType":"ENTITY_NOT_FOUND","violations":[]}
     and payload: []
    2022-05-17T16:05:59+00:00 INFO Product with Id:6623 and Uuid:6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a was successfully created at PayPal Zettle Backoffice.
    2022-05-17T16:05:59+00:00 INFO Enabled inventory tracking for WC product 6623 with UUID 6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    2022-05-17T16:05:59+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'set-inventory-tracking' with ID 0.
    2022-05-17T16:05:59+00:00 INFO Attempting to sync inventory of WC_Product_Simple 6623 with PayPal Zettle UUID 6089e915-0000-1000-8000-00bf5a432d2a
    2022-05-17T16:05:59+00:00 INFO Moved 3 items from SUPPLIER to STORE
    2022-05-17T16:05:59+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product-stock' with ID 0.
    2022-05-17T16:05:59+00:00 DEBUG Executed Job 'sync-product' with ID 16532.
    2022-05-17T16:05:59+00:00 DEBUG Removed 1 jobs from the queue
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  • Plugin Support Syde Joost


    Hello @mattyblob

    sorry to hear that you are encountering this issue, we will try to help you get to a solution for this. However, this is not a simple issue, since the issue is not constant and seems (at the moment) to have no logic, so with the information we have no we can’t advise you much. In order to get a complete overview, it would be better to have your system report (and full logs), so we can check for possible conflicting plugins.
    If you prefer to not post this on a public forum, please open a private ticket on our service desk via these instructions: https://zettle.inpsyde.com/docs/request-support/
    (please add the URL of this thread in the ticket as well).

    Have you already tried to do the initial synchronization while all other plugins are deactivated (to exclude plugin conflicts)?

    This will be a hard issue to troubleshoot with this amount of products…, I hope the amount of products does not affect the functioning of the plugin (I have never tested with such a big amount of products, so can’t be sure).

    Let’s take a closer look when we have all details regarding this issue.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter mattyblob


    Hi Joost,

    Thanks for your speedy response as always. I did try a full re-sync with everything disabled but the problem still persisted.

    As it stands at the moment I’ve been recreating the products in Woo that suffer from this problem and it seems to be working, however I’m still experiencing issues.

    Firstly, updates from Woo>Zettle work flawlessly and in real time, however stock updates from Zettle>Woo are intermittently not being received.

    My site is behind Sucuri firewall and I’ve been in touch with them regarding the issue to see if the culprit was there, this was their response:

    “I’m sorry to hear you’ve been having this issue. What I’ve done to try and see what is going on is to review the logs for the last 3 days for entries related to your webhook folder: /wp-json/zettle/v1/webhook and here is what I am seeing:

    Out of 9720 requests, 1145 were blocked by the firewall

    Most of the blocks are of the type BLKUNF1 and a few as XSS016

    While we cannot divulge the specific logic of these blocks, here are the corresponding entries generally describing the reasons:


    (Note we dont have a specific page for XSS016, but it is of the same general type as XSS001)

    The proper procedure for getting around these blocks when they are false positives, would be, ideally, to work with Zettle to determine why these are triggering the block. However I am guessing this is unlikely to be a feasible option, and certainly an uphill struggle given you wont know specifically what is causing it, we have a couple of other options

    – Allow list all of Zettles IP addresses.

    – If that is not an option, the third option is to allow list the specific URL or portion of the URL”

    I read in a previous support thread that Zettle doesn’t have fixed IP’s on AWS so I went with the final option and whitelisted the webhook folder, but this problem still persists.

    My other issue is that when stock does sync successfully from Zettle>Woo the product becomes in stock and purchasable from the product page itself, but still appears out of stock in the catalogue and also reports as out of stock as per the Woocommerce status widget on the dashboard. I believe this is only variable products – it feels like stock updates on variations do not change the parent “In Stock” value from 0 to 1. I’ve flushed redis/varnish/WP Rocket to no avail.

    I’ll submit a support ticket with site report and full logs for you to have a look at. Really hope we can get to the bottom of this, this integration has been months in the making as you know from my previous tickets!

    All the best


    Plugin Support Syde Joost


    Hi @mattyblob,
    As I responded via the service desk ticket: we are working on some upgrades and have a beta/testing version available (via the service desk ticket). Adding the URL should normally work, or at least we have seen this in the past. This solution should fix this intermittent issue, but every environment for WordPress is different, so there is no 1 solution for such issues.

    If you are ok with it, I would mark this thread as resolved and continue working on the service desk ticket until we get your issue fixed. Since every case is different, there will most likely not be much useful information added here for other merchants.

    Kind regards,

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