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  • Plugin Author metaphorcreations


    In short, no, it does not.

    There is code included in this plugin that is only used when there are paid Ditty extensions installed and activated. In these instances, the only data passed back to my server is the license code for the product as well as the url of the site, along with basic information about the particular plugin (name and product id).

    The only data that is saved to my server is the url of the site the paid extension is activated on. There is no personal data sent to my servers.

    Let me know if that answers your question. Thanks!

    I’m sorry I have to say that Ditty is NOT compliant with GDPR.
    When activated, there is a http request for fontawesome. As this requests goes to a different server than the website’s host, this is not permitted in GDPR area.

    <link rel='stylesheet' id='ditty-fontawesome-css' href='' media='' />

    It would be great if you could fix this and simply make your plugin serve the icons by itself.

    Plugin Author metaphorcreations


    @pixelverbieger thanks for the feedback. I’ll get an update out soon with this modification.

    Plugin Author metaphorcreations


    @pixelverbieger The update has been released and fontawesome is now included within the plugin files.

    Nice to hear, thank you! (And what a quick response …)

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