• Resolved jerry000


    Hello. I try your plugin and had no luck. I added a shortcode to the page and set up the feed as it is written in this tutorial

    I add the API, set the restrictions, and add my page domain and googleapi domain, all that is stated but when I open my page it says

    Error 403: The request is missing a valid API key.

    Domain code: global
    Reason code: forbidden
    Directions on how to resolve this issue
    Error: No videos found.
    Make sure this is a valid channel ID and that the channel has videos available on youtube.com.

    Even tho I added the API key to the plugin and wait 15min. Account HAS 10 videos and are avaliable.
    What can i do? I do have a warning on google api page that says: Remember to configure the OAuth consent screen with information about your application.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by jerry000.
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  • Plugin Support Smash Balloon Louis


    Hi @jerry000,

    Thank you for reaching out to us for assistance. We’ll need some more information to better assist with this, so could send us a support request here, and be sure to include the System Info from the plugin? You can find the System Info here:

    1. WordPress DashBoard – Feeds for YouTube – Settings – Support (tabbed page)

    2. Select all text in the “System Info” by clicking in the box, copy and then paste the ‘System Info’ into your reply.

    Best regards,


    Thread Starter jerry000


    Here is the system info:

    Plugin Version:           Feeds for YouTube v1.4.4
    Site URL:                 https://progressreport.si
    Home URL:                 https://progressreport.si
    WordPress Version:        5.9.3
    PHP Version:              7.1.33
    Web Server Info:          Apache
    PHP allow_url_fopen:      No
    PHP cURL:                 Yes
    JSON:                     Yes
    SSL Stream:               Yes
    Booking Package SAASPROJECT: 1.5.04
    CMP - Coming Soon & Maintenance Plugin: 4.0.15
    Elementor: 3.4.2
    EU Cookies Bar: 1.0.8
    Feeds for YouTube: 1.4.4
    Safe SVG: 1.9.9
    Simple Custom CSS and JS: 3.37
    Starter Templates: 2.6.21
    Use Any Font: 6.1.4
    WPForms Lite: 1.6.9
    ## OPTIONS: ##
    type:                   channel
    channel:                #ProgressReport
    num:                    9
    nummobile:              9
    minnum:                 9
    widthresp:              1
    heightunit:             %
    itemspacing:            4
    itemspacingunit:        px
    background:             #
    subscribecolor:         #0a0a0a
    subscribetextcolor:     #ffffff
    buttoncolor:            #0a0a0a
    buttontextcolor:        #ffffff
    layout:                 gallery
    playvideo:              onclick
    sortby:                 none
    imageres:               auto
    showheader:             1
    showdescription:        1
    showbutton:             1
    headersize:             small
    showsubscribe:          1
    buttontext:             Load More...
    subscribetext:          Subscribe
    caching_type:           page
    cache_time:             1
    cache_time_unit:        hours
    backup_cache_enabled:   1
    resizeprocess:          background
    disable_resize:         1
    storage_process:        background
    font_method:            svg
    gallerycols:            3
    gallerycolsmobile:      2
    gridcols:               3
    gridcolsmobile:         2
    include:                icon
    include:                title
    include:                user
    include:                views
    include:                date
    include:                countdown
    hoverinclude:           description
    hoverinclude:           stats
    playerratio:            9:16
    gdpr:                   auto
    showsubscribers:        1
    width:                  100
    widthunit:              %
    infoposition:           below
    api_key:                AIzaSyDABl4W4zODhRNXQMhk-K8qby40SxuyNoU
    caching_time:           1
    cache_cron_interval:    30mins
    cache_cron_time:        0
    cache_cron_am_pm:       am
    ## Connected Accounts: ##
    access_token:           ya29.A0ARrdaM91fca0Snujsve-sGV925Z1BCPUmCf8547mt8vfKr0b9E6_tqTqPOj78AXDkeNnbSG0-8JCSM5HudFtV_XtldFwLbbVcuuHVjUUlE0vLK6G5bHAK--QxMvrDF3juUGXLX_JPCkaicLjObrnaucKqdc-
    channel_id:             UCRbRcQli-Pq5EjAiqoDz4BQ
    username:               #ProgressReport
    is_valid:               1
    last_checked:           1650444038
    profile_picture:        https://yt3.ggpht.com/0Of3_3P5dwhDX4zKR2Aock9gwt-amB3r8Jipou5MHRbifQH8HOeMEtB9oSyZ6u3VsZ6pNISw3Lw=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj
    expires:                1650447578
    ## Cron Events: ##
    2022-04-21 20:21:31
    Next Scheduled: 611.58333333333 minutes
    2022-05-02 06:00:00
    Next Scheduled: 15590.066666667 minutes
    ## Cron Cache Report: ##
    ## Location Summary: ##
    ## Error Log: ##
    api: 2022-04-20 09:50:43 -   Error 403: The request is missing a valid API key..   Domain code: global<br>Reason code: forbidden <a href="https://smashballoon.com/youtube-feed/docs/errors/" target="blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Directions on how to resolve this issue</a>
    Plugin Support Smash Balloon Louis


    Hi @jerry000,

    Thank you for providing that information, but in the future please only send the System Info when you are contacting us via our support form here: https://smashballoon.com/support, as this contains information you shouldn’t post in the public forum.

    Please try using the channel ID of UCRbRcQli-Pq5EjAiqoDz4BQ instead of the channel name.

    ?If this does not resolve the issue, or if you need any other assistance, please let us know.

    ?Best regards,


    Thread Starter jerry000


    Hello. Now it shows videos but I can not play any video. I click and nothing happens. Can you help further?

    Plugin Support Smash Balloon Louis


    Hi @jerry000,

    Please go to WordPress Dashboard > YouTube Feed > Customize > Custom Code Snippets, add the code snippet below to the Custom JavaScript box, and click Save Changes.

    Object.keys(window.sby.feeds).forEach(function(key) {
        window.sby.feeds[key].playerAPIReady = true;

    ?If this does not resolve the issue, please send us a support case here and we’ll be happy to assist further.

    ?Best regards,


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