Hi @rinosh,
That error means that something is breaking the PHP session on the site. GiveWP uses PHP sessions to ensure that donors only have access to their own donation data (among other things). We have a detailed document that explains what a PHP session is, and how you can troubleshoot broken sessions: https://givewp.com/documentation/core/frequent-troubleshooting-issues/understanding-troubleshooting-user-access/
The number one thing that causes sessions to mess up is caching. We also have a far-more-information-than-you-bargained-for article about caching and how you can leverage it on your GiveWP-powered website: https://givewp.com/documentation/resources/caching/
If donors are getting the message you mentioned, it’s almost always an indication that the caching happening on your site on that page is pulling over the session from a previous visitor.
In order to verify that my hypothesis is right here, we need to exclude any asset loaded by GiveWP from the cache.
Caching is handled differently on various sites and web hosts, and most of them allow for excluding specific URLs or parts of URLs from caching. At the very least, you should exclude the following slugs from caching:
Also, the following query strings:
Your host or the caching plugin/solution you are using can help with that. Some of them may require what’s called a “wildcard” like /donations/* to capture all subdirectories under the /donations/ folder.
You can also temporarily disable caching on the site to confirm that the uncached site isn’t showing the problem.
While fine-tuning cache falls outside the scope of the support we’re able to provide, your success with online donations is our number one priority, and we’re happy to provide any tips.