I was able to access the image using the key.
However, i’ve probably spent 8 hours trying every combination i can think of to try to access the values below the _oum_location_key from your site and was not able to do it. I even tried figuring it out by looking at the source code but with no success.
Even when I was able to generate the data from the meta by pulling the entire batch, this is the format it came out as: https://geolocats.com/oum-location/1651093789/
either as:
_oum_location_key:a:8:{s:7:"address";s:54:"Wailea, Maui County, Hawaii, 96753-9527, United States";s:3:"lat";d:20.687174899999998700650394312106072902679443359375;s:3:"lng";d:-156.439041500000001860826159827411174774169921875;s:4:"text";s:63:"Large orange tabby. Stripes and white on chin area. Tipped ear.";s:11:"author_name";s:14:"Kelli Medeiros";s:12:"author_email";s:21:"[email protected]";s:12:"notification";s:2:"on";s:13:"custom_fields";a:3:{i:1650112671253;s:4:"Lost";i:1650112727544;s:7:"1/14/22";i:1650113586301;s:10:"8082505131";}}
Please help @100plugins