• Using the Carousel block, the captions I set on each individual image don’t become visible on the image nor in the lightbox. I found this GitHub issue which in turn points to this GitHub issue, but both are closed issues.

    I can see by inspecting the HTML that there’s a blank figcaption where the caption _should_ be, but it’s always empty. Is this a known issue or is there guidance on how to get image captions from a carousel to appear in the lightbox?

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  • Plugin Support gdpavle


    Hello @itmetv,

    Thank you for sharing your concerns with us.

    Do you mind sending us the URL of your website so we can take a look and see if there is any website-specific issue that is causing this?

    Sorry for a bit later response.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter Troy


    Hi @gdpavle,

    Appreciate the response. Here’s an example page: https://humanitieslab.goucher.edu/exhibitions/rediscovering-gouchers-lost-museum/.

    Midway down the page is a Carousel block where all the figcaptions are empty even though I’ve applied captions to a few images. Compare that to the first Gallery block where the last image has a visible caption both by default and in the lightbox.

    Let me know how else I can help debug this situation.


    Plugin Author Olivier Lafleur


    We released last week CoBlock 2.22.10, that should hopefully solve your problem.

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