• mr108


    Quite often I’m getting notification via email saying: “Latest status: The backup attempt has finished, apparently unsuccessfully”
    But when I look into the actual log file for the same backup it says: “The backup apparently succeeded and is now complete”

    Why is that happening? Which statement is correct?
    I have the latest WordPress and the latest plugin installed.

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Author David Anderson / Team Updraft



    Please can you provide both, using pastebin.com ?


    Thread Starter mr108


    Thanks for a quick response.

    Here it is:

    and another for 2nd website:

    and one more for 3rd website:

    Plugin Author David Anderson / Team Updraft


    Please can you also include the headers of the email?

    Plugin Author David Anderson / Team Updraft


    Examination of the first link shows that they are not the same backup attempt. Please make sure you are comparing the same backups.

    Thread Starter mr108


    Here is one of the email messages and the log file

    Backup of: https://meditationyoga.in
    UpdraftPlus WordPress backup is complete.
    Backup contains: Files and database (Full backup)
    Latest status: The backup attempt has finished, apparently unsuccessfully
    Email reports created by UpdraftPlus (free edition) bring you the latest UpdraftPlus.com news - read more at https://updraftplus.com/news/
    * How to revamp and redesign your WordPress site guide (18 February 2022)
    * UpdraftPlus security release – 1.22.3 / 2.22.3 – please upgrade (17 February 2022)
    * WP-Optimize vs W3 Total Cache (W3TC): Which is the best WordPress optimization plugin? (11 February 2022)
    * 9 tips and tactics for building a solid WordPress site SEO strategy (4 February 2022)
    * WP-Optimize vs. WP Super Cache: Which is the better WordPress optimization plugin? (2 February 2022)
    * WP-Optimize vs. Autoptimize: Which is the best WordPress optimization plugin? (26 January 2022)
    UpdraftPlus Blog - get up-to-date news and offers: Blog link (https://updraftplus.com/news/) - RSS link (https://feeds.feedburner.com/UpdraftPlus)
    Errors encountered:
    * Dropbox: failed to upload file to backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_b46166c64dee-uploads.zip (see log file for more)
    * Dropbox: failed to upload file to backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_b46166c64dee-others.zip (see log file for more)
    * Dropbox: failed to upload file to backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_b46166c64dee-uploads.zip (see log file for more)
    * Dropbox: failed to upload file to backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_b46166c64dee-others.zip (see log file for more)
    * Dropbox: failed to upload file to backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_b46166c64dee-db.gz (see log file for more)
    Warnings encountered:
    * Your website is visited infrequently and UpdraftPlus is not getting the resources it hoped for; please read this page: https://updraftplus.com/faqs/why-am-i-getting-warnings-about-my-site-not-having-enough-visitors/


    Backed up: Meditation, Yoga, Peace and Freedom (UpdraftPlus 1.22.3) 2022-02-25 09:06
    Fri, 25 Feb 2022 09:06:19 +0000
    [email protected]
    by 2002:ad4:4f87:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id em7csp2038591qvb; Fri, 25 Feb 2022 01:06:21 -0800 (PST)
    by 2002:a05:600c:1d08:b0:381:15c5:6a07 with SMTP id l8-20020a05600c1d0800b0038115c56a07mr1814000wms.89.1645779981378; Fri, 25 Feb 2022 01:06:21 -0800 (PST)
    i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1645779981; cv=none; d=google.com; s=arc-20160816; b=LSYn1onAV3h0yuoy059jdieh50cRcK+Mvi1Lr6/QVx12ZN8jgp0NbY/Ln1pKSUsZRu CNdg895Nz6SilWdT/e+96cFq2prBMw2XerLl5MphKR7oSVt++7Z+8Fyw6F/rBRZOzn3+ ZBnbawTJj00kXtR5lIZ3JFD5Ly7sQfo1Y9lvtC7+cFPXXTIjKBIV29F3/54HkN4gLtSg JtKAcs5uQCxwBAI6BVdUQc5z3frscclU8g7JZxE3Yzn02+PQBbDvVfu58/PVuQ09gcNp xLsNYSmlyW8qsIXESaLXB6AEM9aJzUGDrBmpmHT/tx1yC0sgKLvL2vl00TS4oUMXDY7V eCCQ==
    i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=google.com; s=arc-20160816; h=list-unsubscribe:from:feedback-id:list-unsubscribe-post :mime-version:origin-messageid:message-id:subject:date:to :dkim-signature; bh=ERkKpAWvvS7m1C6QloMqINwEQkjSJo3AAfkBVmjz3ho=; b=n50NvV08rBWyOYN92GFOpZ7fvGRyWMtH/bpgHuUnmDnEJK6tEyNn5gdZxvpPG96rs5 F2BPq9tiXEwdPBrZMYi1DMiYvLe45Bs9QBlgIA+giDerAiBEO6ZVv+5TwQRTXszzr1rm GQ6s7IzWoVFmBTi/ulsn/M69TQcVAd0MiYt1IMfMWvr6anelHDXLrU1ULlpryahlhHzp jxF+QeXrGS/8jpL4gfQ4RxskkiXuora74rjHUc4u/WpNqR0UdLrpP53cBxqqJaA7TDdZ D7nC6TzHYldQMarChzJaqtuQVGuqVWgOtzzzwY/ZlMJFCWQ4BzQuYd7L/Bq13ewazDLa HBkw==
    i=1; mx.google.com; dkim=pass [email protected] header.s=mail header.b="Tcoa0/H1"; spf=pass (google.com: domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom="[email protected]"; dmarc=fail (p=NONE sp=QUARANTINE dis=NONE) header.from=gmail.com
    <[email protected]>
    from gw.d.sender-sib.com (gw.d.sender-sib.com. []) by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id z16-20020a5d6410000000b001e595c335b2si1309920wru.259.2022. for <[email protected]> (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Fri, 25 Feb 2022 01:06:21 -0800 (PST)
    pass (google.com: domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
    mx.google.com; dkim=pass [email protected] header.s=mail header.b="Tcoa0/H1"; spf=pass (google.com: domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom="[email protected]"; dmarc=fail (p=NONE sp=QUARANTINE dis=NONE) header.from=gmail.com
    v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=sendinblue.com; q=dns/txt; s=mail; bh=ERkKpAWvvS7m1C6QloMqINwEQkjSJo3AAfkBVmjz3ho=; h=from:subject:date:to:mime-version:content-type:list-unsubscribe:x-csa-complaints:list-unsubscribe-post; b=Tcoa0/H1nMqi4xkICkdGUtSJzynRJotvrDXiOWRRo5k3fzQaByEVcNtkn4dY6VbHN7y9/Gx/mi7M Xth+/cxrM1Xpz6vz+C0EbEltlYf/XuvjWAih5d2ROYBisZphOKTxJjf3LheQfYYWCZgtTFiRWYRr uQrZN0o9EqvdEXHxzow=
    <[email protected]>
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    [email protected]
    <mailto:[email protected]?subject=unsub-MTA4MzkzNTk4fm1hcmVrcjdAZ21haWwuY29tfjwyMDIyMDIyNTEwMDYuMjA5NzA0MjI5MjNAc210cC1yZWxheS5tYWlsaW4uZnI-fiJNZWRpdGF0aW9uLCBZb2dhLCBQZWFjZSBhbmQgRnJlZWRvbSIgPG1hcm9zdWI1M0BnbWFpbC5jb20-fjZiMzkwZjEwLTkxYzgtNGVjMC04MWU4LWM4ZmI5MTRiYzY0Nw%3D%3D&body=MTA4MzkzNTk4fm1hcmVrcjdAZ21haWwuY29tfjwyMDIyMDIyNTEwMDYuMjA5NzA0MjI5MjNAc210cC1yZWxheS5tYWlsaW4uZnI-fiJNZWRpdGF0aW9uLCBZb2dhLCBQZWFjZSBhbmQgRnJlZWRvbSIgPG1hcm9zdWI1M0BnbWFpbC5jb20-fjZiMzkwZjEwLTkxYzgtNGVjMC04MWU4LWM4ZmI5MTRiYzY0Nw%3D%3D>, <https://dadhdjd.r.af.d.sendibt2.com/tr/un/li/jc2XcT1yqMKIWYuAQEAzxJks4cRWTxW6o5Atpe-qWWt2Ddrb1Ixmks7pXP5Au8yDUYIwa8-_8cC3lfe6_dCXtAXGr2b4TFOnxhHZ2822_mTb8nrRSpX2lyiVnXdEu5KaatxjeixYZ16fPqDQcS5RpkAOEwUFl2HvIztDPGOKnt-Qil4HYcxg4npyzpGJ0kQyYDhPBdEUt-qDvkq8SsdK_kRFqD4f863eT7Y1vVqPgGmKHFti3KzHEw2KyJao-Z8>



    0000.000 (0) Opened log file at time: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 04:36:03 +0000 on https://meditationyoga.in
    0000.002 (0) UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin (https://updraftplus.com): 1.22.5 WP: 5.9.1 PHP: 7.4.28 (cli, Linux s434.lon7.mysecurecloudhost.com 4.18.0-305.19.1.lve.el7h.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Sep 23 11:57:48 UTC 2021 x86_64) MySQL: 10.3.34-MariaDB (max packet size=268435456) WPLANG: en_US Server:  safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 1G (used: 51.7M | 54.5M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019 mcrypt: N LANG: en_US.UTF-8 ZipArchive::addFile: Y
    0000.033 (0) Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 172511.4 MB
    0000.046 (0) Deleting old log file: log.09efdb8919bf.txt
    0000.052 (0) Deleting old log file: log.602cb7104873.txt
    0000.053 (0) Tasks: Backup files: 1 (schedule: fortnightly) Backup DB:  (schedule: fortnightly)
    0000.054 (0) Processed schedules. Combining jobs from identical schedules. Tasks now: Backup files: 1 Backup DB: 1
    0000.060 (0) Requesting semaphore lock (fd) (apparently via scheduler: last_scheduled_action_called_at=1644554163, seconds_ago=1209600)
    0000.062 (0) Set semaphore last lock (fd) time to 2022-02-25 04:36:03
    0000.063 (0) Semaphore lock (fd) complete
    0000.066 (0) Backup run: resumption=0, nonce=4f7551c38989, file_nonce=4f7551c38989 begun at=1645763763 (0s ago), job type=backup
    0000.068 (0) Scheduling a resumption (1) after 300 seconds (1645764063) in case this run gets aborted
    0000.080 (0) Checking if we have a zip executable available
    0000.081 (0) Testing: /usr/bin/zip
    0000.096 (0) Output: zip warning: binziptest/test.zip not found or empty
    0000.098 (0) Output: adding: binziptest/subdir1/	(in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
    0000.098 (0) Output: adding: binziptest/subdir1/subdir2/	(in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
    0000.102 (0) Output: adding: binziptest/subdir1/subdir2/test.html	(in=131) (out=107) (deflated 18%)
    0000.103 (0) Output: total bytes=131, compressed=107 -> 18% savings
    0000.117 (0) Output: adding: binziptest/subdir1/subdir2/test2.html	(in=138) (out=113) (deflated 18%)
    0000.120 (0) Output: total bytes=269, compressed=220 -> 18% savings
    0000.127 (0) Working binary zip found: /usr/bin/zip
    0000.130 (0) Zip engine: found/will use a binary zip: /usr/bin/zip
    0000.131 (0) Creation of backups of directories: beginning
    0000.133 (0) No backup of plugins: excluded by user's options
    0000.133 (0) No backup of themes: excluded by user's options
    0000.135 (0) Exclusion option setting (uploads): backup*,*backups,backwpup*,wp-clone,snapshots
    0000.135 (0) Looking for candidates to backup in: /home/yhlfbifk/public_html/wp-content/uploads
    0000.136 (0) finding files: 2022: adding to list (1)
    0000.137 (0) finding files: backup: skipping: excluded by options (glob)
    0000.138 (0) finding files: sass: adding to list (2)
    0000.139 (0) finding files: 2019: adding to list (3)
    0000.140 (0) finding files: 2015: adding to list (4)
    0000.141 (0) finding files: db-backup: adding to list (5)
    0000.141 (0) finding files: 2016: adding to list (6)
    0000.145 (0) finding files: 2020: adding to list (7)
    0000.149 (0) finding files: wpforms: adding to list (8)
    0000.150 (0) finding files: 2017: adding to list (9)
    0000.150 (0) finding files: rank-math: adding to list (10)
    0000.151 (0) finding files: mailpoet: adding to list (11)
    0000.151 (0) finding files: 2018: adding to list (12)
    0000.152 (0) finding files: 2021: adding to list (13)
    0000.153 (0) Beginning creation of dump of uploads (split every: 400 MB)
    0000.244 (0) Total entities for the zip file: 98 directories, 1463 files (0 skipped as non-modified), 15 MB
    0000.246 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 100 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
    0000.248 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 200 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
    0000.250 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 300 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
    0000.254 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 400 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
    0000.256 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 500 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
    0000.258 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 600 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
    0000.260 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 700 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
    0000.262 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 800 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
    0000.264 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 900 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
    0000.266 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 1000 files added (on-disk size: 0 KB)
    0000.267 (0) Adding batch to zip file (UpdraftPlus_BinZip): over 1000 files added on this batch (8.9 MB, 1463 files batched, 1001 (1001) added so far); re-opening (prior size: 0 KB)
    0001.291 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: size is now: 9.20 MB
    0001.301 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 1100 files added (on-disk size: 9388.9 KB)
    0001.303 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 1200 files added (on-disk size: 9388.9 KB)
    0001.305 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 1300 files added (on-disk size: 9388.9 KB)
    0001.307 (0) Zip: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: 1400 files added (on-disk size: 9388.9 KB)
    0003.431 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.tmp: size is now: 15.10 MB
    0003.448 (0) Creating zip file manifest (/home/yhlfbifk/public_html/wp-content/updraft/backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.list-temp.tmp)
    0003.454 (0) Successfully created zip file manifest (size: 93038)
    0003.590 (0) Created uploads zip (0) - 15462 KB in 3.4 s (4538.8 KB/s) (sha1: 3ac90d0ea276d87175695a0dfc28e5df206221c8, sha256: ee6da524d5ff31f924eba7e88521d4254514cc2b5f419e50bb86abd741e85604)
    0003.593 (0) Beginning backup of other directories found in the content directory (index: 0)
    0003.594 (0) Exclusion option setting (others): upgrade,cache,updraft,backup*,*backups,mysql.sql,debug.log
    0003.594 (0) Looking for candidates to backup in: /home/yhlfbifk/public_html/wp-content
    0003.595 (0) finding files: uploads: skipping: this is the uploads directory
    0003.596 (0) finding files: maintenance: adding to list (1)
    0003.597 (0) finding files: upgrade: skipping: excluded by options
    0003.597 (0) finding files: aiowps_backups: skipping: excluded by options (glob)
    0003.598 (0) finding files: updraft: skipping: this is the updraft directory
    0003.599 (0) finding files: index.php: adding to list (2)
    0003.599 (0) finding files: htaccess-editor-backups: skipping: excluded by options (glob)
    0003.600 (0) finding files: plugins: skipping: this is the plugins directory
    0003.601 (0) finding files: maintenance.php: adding to list (3)
    0003.602 (0) finding files: themes: skipping: this is the themes directory
    0003.647 (0) Total entities for the zip file: 4 directories, 14 files (0 skipped as non-modified), 2.7 MB
    0003.985 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-others.zip.tmp: size is now: 2.70 MB
    0003.988 (0) Creating zip file manifest (/home/yhlfbifk/public_html/wp-content/updraft/backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-others.zip.list-temp.tmp)
    0003.989 (0) Successfully created zip file manifest (size: 674)
    0004.015 (0) Created others zip (0) - 2791.3 KB in 0.4 s (7449.6 KB/s) (sha1: 480a9720a7e8eea4134f8e9331b041f79dad5098, sha256: 7eae1e0f9b050c91ac4dbca959e4cc10f94e57839eccbb7a3d1f016c31330309)
    0004.018 (0) Saving backup status to database (elements: 4)
    0004.021 (0) Beginning creation of database dump (WordPress DB)
    0004.022 (0) SQL compatibility mode is: NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION
    0004.024 (0) Testing potential mysqldump binary: /usr/bin/mysqldump
    0004.053 (0) Output: /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;\n/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;\n/*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */;\n/*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */;\n/*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */;\n/*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */;\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS <code>tmpe_options</code>;\n/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client     = @@character_set_client */;\n/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;\nC (truncated - 1429 bytes total)
    0004.055 (0) Working binary mysqldump found: /usr/bin/mysqldump
    0004.069 (0) Table tmpe_options: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 608
    0004.119 (0) Table tmpe_options: Rows added in this batch (next record: 212801): 604 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1366822) in 0.05 seconds
    0004.127 (0) Table tmpe_options: finishing file(s) (2, 106.7 KB)
    0004.131 (0) Table tmpe_users: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 1
    0004.132 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.134 (0) Table tmpe_users: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1): 1 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1142) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.137 (0) Table tmpe_users: finishing file(s) (2, 0.6 KB)
    0004.142 (0) Table tmpe_usermeta: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 41
    0004.142 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 50 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.145 (0) Table tmpe_usermeta: Rows added in this batch (next record: 70): 41 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=3538) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.151 (0) Table tmpe_usermeta: finishing file(s) (2, 1.4 KB)
    0004.155 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_actions: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 56
    0004.156 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 100 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.159 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_actions: Rows added in this batch (next record: 2516): 56 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=27519) in 0.01 seconds
    0004.164 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_actions: finishing file(s) (2, 2.4 KB)
    0004.167 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_claims: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.169 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_claims: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=644) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.172 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_claims: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.175 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_groups: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 4
    0004.176 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.178 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_groups: Rows added in this batch (next record: 4): 4 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=753) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.181 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_groups: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.184 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_logs: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 160
    0004.186 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 250 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.189 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_logs: Rows added in this batch (next record: 7521): 160 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=14881) in 0.01 seconds
    0004.194 (0) Table tmpe_actionscheduler_logs: finishing file(s) (2, 1.9 KB)
    0004.198 (0) Table tmpe_commentmeta: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 18
    0004.199 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.201 (0) Table tmpe_commentmeta: Rows added in this batch (next record: 39): 18 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=3114) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.205 (0) Table tmpe_commentmeta: finishing file(s) (2, 1.2 KB)
    0004.210 (0) Table tmpe_comments: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 6
    0004.211 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.212 (0) Table tmpe_comments: Rows added in this batch (next record: 11): 6 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=3855) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.216 (0) Table tmpe_comments: finishing file(s) (2, 1.7 KB)
    0004.220 (0) Table tmpe_imagify_files: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.221 (0) Table tmpe_imagify_files: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1503) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.225 (0) Table tmpe_imagify_files: finishing file(s) (2, 0.6 KB)
    0004.228 (0) Table tmpe_imagify_folders: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 1
    0004.230 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.232 (0) Table tmpe_imagify_folders: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1): 1 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=728) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.236 (0) Table tmpe_imagify_folders: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.239 (0) Table tmpe_links: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.243 (0) Table tmpe_links: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1005) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.250 (0) Table tmpe_links: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.258 (0) Table tmpe_postmeta: Total expected rows (approximate): 2570
    0004.309 (0) Table tmpe_postmeta: Rows added in this batch (next record: 2929): 2594 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=493246) in 0.06 seconds
    0004.320 (0) Table tmpe_postmeta: finishing file(s) (2, 60.6 KB)
    0004.329 (0) Table tmpe_posts: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 457
    0004.330 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 500 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.428 (0) Table tmpe_posts: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1661): 457 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1823834) in 0.11 seconds
    0004.443 (0) Table tmpe_posts: finishing file(s) (2, 234.4 KB)
    0004.446 (0) Table tmpe_term_relationships: Total expected rows (approximate): 91
    0004.448 (0) Table tmpe_term_relationships: Rows added in this batch (next record: 100000): 91 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=2063) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.458 (0) Table tmpe_term_relationships: finishing file(s) (2, 0.6 KB)
    0004.463 (0) Table tmpe_term_taxonomy: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 30
    0004.463 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 50 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.465 (0) Table tmpe_term_taxonomy: Rows added in this batch (next record: 30): 30 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1783) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.470 (0) Table tmpe_term_taxonomy: finishing file(s) (2, 0.6 KB)
    0004.473 (0) Table tmpe_termmeta: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.475 (0) Table tmpe_termmeta: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=585) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.478 (0) Table tmpe_termmeta: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.481 (0) Table tmpe_terms: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 30
    0004.481 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 50 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.483 (0) Table tmpe_terms: Rows added in this batch (next record: 30): 30 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1829) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.486 (0) Table tmpe_terms: finishing file(s) (2, 0.8 KB)
    0004.489 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_debug_log: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.491 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_debug_log: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=712) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.494 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_debug_log: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.501 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_events: Total expected rows (approximate): 4989
    0004.588 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_events: Rows added in this batch (next record: 31449): 5001 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=633440) in 0.09 seconds
    0004.593 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_events: finishing file(s) (2, 110.8 KB)
    0004.596 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_failed_logins: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 830
    0004.604 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_failed_logins: Rows added in this batch (next record: 59775): 830 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=52196) in 0.01 seconds
    0004.607 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_failed_logins: finishing file(s) (2, 10.1 KB)
    0004.611 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_global_meta: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.613 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_global_meta: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1160) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.616 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_global_meta: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.619 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_login_activity: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 74
    0004.619 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 100 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.622 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_login_activity: Rows added in this batch (next record: 74): 74 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=7770) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.624 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_login_activity: finishing file(s) (2, 1.8 KB)
    0004.627 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_login_lockdown: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.629 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_login_lockdown: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=944) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.632 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_login_lockdown: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.634 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_permanent_block: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.635 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_permanent_block: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=827) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.638 (0) Table tmpe_aiowps_permanent_block: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.640 (0) Table tmpe_blc_filters: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.641 (0) Table tmpe_blc_filters: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=537) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.644 (0) Table tmpe_blc_filters: finishing file(s) (2, 0.3 KB)
    0004.647 (0) Table tmpe_blc_instances: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 384
    0004.648 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 500 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.656 (0) Table tmpe_blc_instances: Rows added in this batch (next record: 4166): 384 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=65708) in 0.01 seconds
    0004.659 (0) Table tmpe_blc_instances: finishing file(s) (2, 11.1 KB)
    0004.662 (0) Table tmpe_blc_links: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 285
    0004.663 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 500 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.683 (0) Table tmpe_blc_links: Rows added in this batch (next record: 509): 285 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=486424) in 0.02 seconds
    0004.686 (0) Table tmpe_blc_links: finishing file(s) (2, 63.9 KB)
    0004.690 (0) Table tmpe_blc_synch: Total expected rows (approximate): 44
    0004.692 (0) Table tmpe_blc_synch: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1000): 44 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=2530) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.695 (0) Table tmpe_blc_synch: finishing file(s) (2, 0.8 KB)
    0004.699 (0) Table tmpe_litespeed_url: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.700 (0) Table tmpe_litespeed_url: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=639) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.703 (0) Table tmpe_litespeed_url: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.706 (0) Table tmpe_litespeed_url_file: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.707 (0) Table tmpe_litespeed_url_file: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=975) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.711 (0) Table tmpe_litespeed_url_file: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB)
    0004.715 (0) Table tmpe_loginizer_logs: Total expected rows (approximate): 0
    0004.716 (0) Table tmpe_loginizer_logs: Rows added in this batch (next record: 0): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=613) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.719 (0) Table tmpe_loginizer_logs: finishing file(s) (2, 0.3 KB)
    0004.723 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_custom_fields: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.724 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_custom_fields: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=831) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.727 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_custom_fields: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.729 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_dynamic_segment_filters: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.730 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_dynamic_segment_filters: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=804) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.733 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_dynamic_segment_filters: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.735 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_feature_flags: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.736 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_feature_flags: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=752) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.739 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_feature_flags: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.742 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_forms: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 1
    0004.743 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.745 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_forms: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1): 1 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=2861) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.748 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_forms: finishing file(s) (2, 1.1 KB)
    0004.752 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_log: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.754 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_log: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=654) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.758 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_log: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.761 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities: Total expected rows (approximate): 0
    0004.762 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities: Rows added in this batch (next record: 0): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=767) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.764 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.767 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_links: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.768 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_links: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=946) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.772 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_links: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.776 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_option: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.778 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_option: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=886) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.782 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_option: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.785 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 20
    0004.786 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.789 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields: Rows added in this batch (next record: 20): 20 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=2196) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.794 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields: finishing file(s) (2, 0.7 KB)
    0004.796 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_posts: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.798 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_posts: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=771) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.800 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_posts: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.803 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_segment: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.804 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_segment: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=811) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.807 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_segment: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.811 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_templates: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 74
    0004.812 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 100 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.834 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_templates: Rows added in this batch (next record: 74): 74 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1103149) in 0.02 seconds
    0004.838 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_templates: finishing file(s) (2, 65.9 KB)
    0004.841 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletters: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.843 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletters: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1731) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.846 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_newsletters: finishing file(s) (2, 0.6 KB)
    0004.848 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers: Total expected rows (approximate): 0
    0004.849 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers: Rows added in this batch (next record: 0): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=933) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.853 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.858 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 8
    0004.859 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.861 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks: Rows added in this batch (next record: 8): 8 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=2428) in 0.01 seconds
    0004.865 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks: finishing file(s) (2, 0.8 KB)
    0004.871 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_segments: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 3
    0004.872 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.883 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_segments: Rows added in this batch (next record: 3): 3 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1396) in 0.02 seconds
    0004.895 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_segments: finishing file(s) (2, 0.6 KB)
    0004.899 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_sending_queues: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.901 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_sending_queues: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1290) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.904 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_sending_queues: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB)
    0004.908 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_settings: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 17
    0004.908 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0004.910 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_settings: Rows added in this batch (next record: 30): 17 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=3346) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.914 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_settings: finishing file(s) (2, 1.2 KB)
    0004.917 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_clicks: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.918 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_clicks: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1001) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.921 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_clicks: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.923 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_forms: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.924 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_forms: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=716) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.928 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_forms: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.930 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.931 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=843) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.934 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.937 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_opens: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.937 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_opens: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=945) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.940 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_opens: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.942 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.943 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1028) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.946 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.948 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_woocommerce_purchases: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.949 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_woocommerce_purchases: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1280) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.952 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_woocommerce_purchases: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB)
    0004.956 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_stats_notifications: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.957 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_stats_notifications: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=843) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.976 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_stats_notifications: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.981 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0004.982 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=914) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.986 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0004.990 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_ips: Total expected rows (approximate): 0
    0004.991 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_ips: Rows added in this batch (next record: 0): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=599) in 0.00 seconds
    0004.994 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_ips: finishing file(s) (2, 0.3 KB)
    0004.997 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_segment: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 1
    0004.998 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0005.001 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_segment: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1): 1 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1070) in 0.00 seconds
    0005.004 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_segment: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB)
    0005.010 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscribers: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 1
    0005.012 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0005.021 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscribers: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1): 1 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=2276) in 0.01 seconds
    0005.026 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_subscribers: finishing file(s) (2, 0.8 KB)
    0005.029 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_user_flags: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0005.031 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_user_flags: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=813) in 0.00 seconds
    0005.035 (0) Table tmpe_mailpoet_user_flags: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0005.039 (0) Table tmpe_pmr_status: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 1
    0005.040 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0005.042 (0) Table tmpe_pmr_status: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1): 1 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=661) in 0.00 seconds
    0005.046 (0) Table tmpe_pmr_status: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0005.050 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_404_logs: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0005.052 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_404_logs: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=824) in 0.00 seconds
    0005.055 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_404_logs: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0005.058 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_analytics_gsc: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0005.059 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_analytics_gsc: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=969) in 0.00 seconds
    0005.062 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_analytics_gsc: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB)
    0005.066 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_analytics_objects: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 41
    0005.067 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 50 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0005.070 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_analytics_objects: Rows added in this batch (next record: 41): 41 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=10346) in 0.01 seconds
    0005.073 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_analytics_objects: finishing file(s) (2, 2.8 KB)
    0005.077 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_internal_links: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 327
    0005.078 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 500 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0005.082 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_internal_links: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1988): 327 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=29260) in 0.01 seconds
    0005.087 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_internal_links: finishing file(s) (2, 5.8 KB)
    0005.091 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_internal_meta: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 42
    0005.092 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 50 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0005.094 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_internal_meta: Rows added in this batch (next record: 1432): 42 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1435) in 0.00 seconds
    0005.101 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_internal_meta: finishing file(s) (2, 0.6 KB)
    0005.104 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_redirections: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0005.106 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_redirections: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=1005) in 0.00 seconds
    0005.109 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_redirections: finishing file(s) (2, 0.5 KB)
    0005.113 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_redirections_cache: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0005.114 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_redirections_cache: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=875) in 0.00 seconds
    0005.119 (0) Table tmpe_rank_math_redirections_cache: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0005.125 (0) Table tmpe_wpforms_tasks_meta: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 40
    0005.125 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 50 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0005.128 (0) Table tmpe_wpforms_tasks_meta: Rows added in this batch (next record: 40): 40 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=3724) in 0.01 seconds
    0005.134 (0) Table tmpe_wpforms_tasks_meta: finishing file(s) (2, 0.9 KB)
    0005.151 (0) Table tmpe_wpmailsmtp_debug_events: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
    0005.154 (0) Table tmpe_wpmailsmtp_debug_events: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=733) in 0.00 seconds
    0005.157 (0) Table tmpe_wpmailsmtp_debug_events: finishing file(s) (2, 0.4 KB)
    0005.162 (0) Table tmpe_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 18
    0005.162 (0) Table is relatively small; fetch_rows will thus be: 20 (allow_further_reductions=1, is_first_fetch=1, known_bigger_than_table=1)
    0005.164 (0) Table tmpe_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta: Rows added in this batch (next record: 18): 18 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=2139) in 0.00 seconds
    0005.177 (0) Table tmpe_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta: finishing file(s) (2, 0.7 KB)
    0005.178 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_options.table.tmpr212802.gz (1/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.180 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_options.table.gz (2/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.181 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_users.table.tmpr2.gz (3/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.182 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_users.table.gz (4/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.182 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_usermeta.table.tmpr71.gz (5/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.183 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_usermeta.table.gz (6/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.184 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_actionscheduler_actions.table.tmpr2517.gz (7/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.185 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_actionscheduler_actions.table.gz (8/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.185 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_actionscheduler_claims.table.tmpr0.gz (9/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.186 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_actionscheduler_claims.table.gz (10/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.187 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_actionscheduler_groups.table.tmpr5.gz (11/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.188 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_actionscheduler_groups.table.gz (12/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.188 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_actionscheduler_logs.table.tmpr7522.gz (13/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.189 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_actionscheduler_logs.table.gz (14/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.190 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_commentmeta.table.tmpr40.gz (15/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.190 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_commentmeta.table.gz (16/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.191 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_comments.table.tmpr12.gz (17/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.191 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_comments.table.gz (18/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.192 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_imagify_files.table.tmpr0.gz (19/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.193 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_imagify_files.table.gz (20/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.193 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_imagify_folders.table.tmpr2.gz (21/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.194 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_imagify_folders.table.gz (22/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.195 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_links.table.tmpr0.gz (23/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.195 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_links.table.gz (24/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.196 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_postmeta.table.tmpr2930.gz (25/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.197 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_postmeta.table.gz (26/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.198 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_posts.table.tmpr1662.gz (27/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.201 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_posts.table.gz (28/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.202 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_term_relationships.table.tmpr100001.gz (29/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.203 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_term_relationships.table.gz (30/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.203 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_term_taxonomy.table.tmpr31.gz (31/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.204 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_term_taxonomy.table.gz (32/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.205 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_termmeta.table.tmpr0.gz (33/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.207 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_termmeta.table.gz (34/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.208 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_terms.table.tmpr31.gz (35/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.209 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_terms.table.gz (36/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.210 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_debug_log.table.tmpr0.gz (37/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.211 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_debug_log.table.gz (38/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.224 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_events.table.tmpr31450.gz (39/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.226 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_events.table.gz (40/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.227 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_failed_logins.table.tmpr59776.gz (41/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.227 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_failed_logins.table.gz (42/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.228 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_global_meta.table.tmpr0.gz (43/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.229 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_global_meta.table.gz (44/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.229 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_login_activity.table.tmpr75.gz (45/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.230 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_login_activity.table.gz (46/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.230 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_login_lockdown.table.tmpr0.gz (47/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.231 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_login_lockdown.table.gz (48/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.232 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_permanent_block.table.tmpr0.gz (49/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.233 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_aiowps_permanent_block.table.gz (50/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.233 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_blc_filters.table.tmpr0.gz (51/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.234 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_blc_filters.table.gz (52/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.235 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_blc_instances.table.tmpr4167.gz (53/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.236 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_blc_instances.table.gz (54/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.236 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_blc_links.table.tmpr510.gz (55/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.238 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_blc_links.table.gz (56/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.238 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_blc_synch.table.tmpr1001.gz (57/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.239 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_blc_synch.table.gz (58/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.240 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_litespeed_url.table.tmpr0.gz (59/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.240 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_litespeed_url.table.gz (60/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.241 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_litespeed_url_file.table.tmpr0.gz (61/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.242 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_litespeed_url_file.table.gz (62/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.242 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_loginizer_logs.table.tmpr1.gz (63/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.243 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_loginizer_logs.table.gz (64/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.243 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_custom_fields.table.tmpr0.gz (65/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.244 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_custom_fields.table.gz (66/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.245 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_dynamic_segment_filters.table.tmpr0.gz (67/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.245 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_dynamic_segment_filters.table.gz (68/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.246 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_feature_flags.table.tmpr0.gz (69/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.246 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_feature_flags.table.gz (70/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.247 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_forms.table.tmpr2.gz (71/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.248 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_forms.table.gz (72/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.248 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_log.table.tmpr0.gz (73/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.249 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_log.table.gz (74/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.249 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities.table.tmpr1.gz (75/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.250 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities.table.gz (76/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.251 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_links.table.tmpr0.gz (77/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.252 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_links.table.gz (78/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.253 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_option.table.tmpr0.gz (79/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.253 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_option.table.gz (80/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.254 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields.table.tmpr21.gz (81/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.255 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields.table.gz (82/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.255 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_posts.table.tmpr0.gz (83/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.256 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_posts.table.gz (84/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.257 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_segment.table.tmpr0.gz (85/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.257 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_segment.table.gz (86/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.258 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_templates.table.tmpr75.gz (87/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.259 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletter_templates.table.gz (88/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.260 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletters.table.tmpr0.gz (89/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.261 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_newsletters.table.gz (90/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.261 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers.table.tmpr1.gz (91/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.262 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers.table.gz (92/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.262 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks.table.tmpr9.gz (93/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.263 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks.table.gz (94/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.264 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_segments.table.tmpr4.gz (95/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.264 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_segments.table.gz (96/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.265 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_sending_queues.table.tmpr0.gz (97/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.265 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_sending_queues.table.gz (98/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.266 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_settings.table.tmpr31.gz (99/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.268 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_settings.table.gz (100/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.268 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_clicks.table.tmpr0.gz (101/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.269 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_clicks.table.gz (102/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.269 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_forms.table.tmpr0.gz (103/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.270 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_forms.table.gz (104/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.271 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters.table.tmpr0.gz (105/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.271 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters.table.gz (106/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.272 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_opens.table.tmpr0.gz (107/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.272 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_opens.table.gz (108/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.273 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes.table.tmpr0.gz (109/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.273 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes.table.gz (110/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.274 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_woocommerce_purchases.table.tmpr0.gz (111/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.275 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_statistics_woocommerce_purchases.table.gz (112/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.275 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_stats_notifications.table.tmpr0.gz (113/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.276 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_stats_notifications.table.gz (114/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.277 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field.table.tmpr0.gz (115/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.277 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field.table.gz (116/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.278 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_ips.table.tmpr1.gz (117/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.279 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_ips.table.gz (118/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.279 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_segment.table.tmpr2.gz (119/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.280 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_subscriber_segment.table.gz (120/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.280 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_subscribers.table.tmpr2.gz (121/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.281 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_subscribers.table.gz (122/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.281 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_user_flags.table.tmpr0.gz (123/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.282 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_mailpoet_user_flags.table.gz (124/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.283 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_pmr_status.table.tmpr2.gz (125/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.283 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_pmr_status.table.gz (126/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.284 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_404_logs.table.tmpr0.gz (127/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.284 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_404_logs.table.gz (128/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.285 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_analytics_gsc.table.tmpr0.gz (129/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.286 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_analytics_gsc.table.gz (130/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.287 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_analytics_objects.table.tmpr42.gz (131/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.287 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_analytics_objects.table.gz (132/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.288 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_internal_links.table.tmpr1989.gz (133/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.289 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_internal_links.table.gz (134/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.289 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_internal_meta.table.tmpr1433.gz (135/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.290 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_internal_meta.table.gz (136/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.291 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_redirections.table.tmpr0.gz (137/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.291 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_redirections.table.gz (138/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.292 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_redirections_cache.table.tmpr0.gz (139/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.292 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_rank_math_redirections_cache.table.gz (140/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.293 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_wpforms_tasks_meta.table.tmpr41.gz (141/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.293 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_wpforms_tasks_meta.table.gz (142/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.294 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_wpmailsmtp_debug_events.table.tmpr0.gz (143/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.295 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_wpmailsmtp_debug_events.table.gz (144/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.295 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta.table.tmpr19.gz (145/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.296 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db-table-tmpe_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta.table.gz (146/73/fopen): adding to final database dump
    0005.304 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db.gz: finished writing out complete database file (710.1 KB)
    0005.321 (0) Total database tables backed up: 73 (backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db.gz, size: 727242, sha1: 8890de6ba90576e0c41b27a508437599d20ab8cb, sha256: 3df9a5d0fceead7da790b5274fb931ec13d5b0e99133c46e10de9d1194b04297)
    0005.325 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip: uploads: This file has not yet been successfully uploaded: will queue
    0005.326 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-others.zip: others: This file has not yet been successfully uploaded: will queue
    0005.327 (0) backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db.gz: db: This file has not yet been successfully uploaded: will queue
    0005.327 (0) Saving backup history. Total backup size: 18.5 MB
    0005.330 (0) Requesting upload of the files that have not yet been successfully uploaded (3)
    0005.332 (0) Cloud backup selection (1/1): googledrive with instance (1/1) (last)
    0005.332 (0) Beginning dispatch of backup to remote (googledrive) (instance identifier s-01265a2754f813e31fe4b20ca6c3b785)
    0007.797 (0) Google Drive: quota usage: used=636.9 MB, total=15360 MB, available=14723.1 MB
    0007.798 (0) Google Drive: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip: Attempting to upload to Google Drive (into folder id: 1OfonsXvrmVrEPByEr2Sgfx5Bpoi-DNQA)
    0008.169 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 6.6 % uploaded (1048576 - increasing chunk size to 2048 KB - memory usage: 57.9 / 67)
    0008.298 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 19.9 % uploaded (3145728 - increasing chunk size to 4096 KB - memory usage: 57.9 / 67)
    0008.457 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 46.4 % uploaded (7340032 - increasing chunk size to 8192 KB - memory usage: 57.9 / 67)
    0008.674 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 99.3 % uploaded (15728640 - increasing chunk size to 16384 KB - memory usage: 57.9 / 67)
    0009.985 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 100 % uploaded (15728640)
    0009.988 (0) Google Drive: OK: Archive backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip uploaded in 2.19 seconds
    0009.989 (0) Recording as successfully uploaded: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip
    0009.996 (0) Deleting local file: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip: OK
    0009.998 (0) Deleting zip manifest (backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-uploads.zip.list.tmp)
    0010.350 (0) Google Drive: quota usage: used=652 MB, total=15360 MB, available=14708 MB
    0010.353 (0) Google Drive: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-others.zip: Attempting to upload to Google Drive (into folder id: 1OfonsXvrmVrEPByEr2Sgfx5Bpoi-DNQA)
    0010.725 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 36.7 % uploaded (1048576 - increasing chunk size to 2048 KB - memory usage: 57.9 / 67)
    0011.723 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 100 % uploaded (1048576)
    0011.725 (0) Google Drive: OK: Archive backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-others.zip uploaded in 1.37 seconds
    0011.726 (0) Recording as successfully uploaded: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-others.zip
    0011.729 (0) Deleting local file: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-others.zip: OK
    0011.730 (0) Deleting zip manifest (backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-others.zip.list.tmp)
    0012.009 (0) Google Drive: quota usage: used=654.7 MB, total=15360 MB, available=14705.3 MB
    0012.011 (0) Google Drive: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db.gz: Attempting to upload to Google Drive (into folder id: 1OfonsXvrmVrEPByEr2Sgfx5Bpoi-DNQA)
    0013.353 (0) Googledrive chunked upload: 100 % uploaded
    0013.355 (0) Google Drive: OK: Archive backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db.gz uploaded in 1.34 seconds
    0013.356 (0) Recording as successfully uploaded: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db.gz
    0013.358 (0) Deleting local file: backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_4f7551c38989-db.gz: OK
    0013.361 (0) Retain: beginning examination of existing backup sets; user setting: retain_files=5, retain_db=5
    0013.363 (0) Number of backup sets in history: 4; groups (db): 1
    0013.363 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=4f7551c38989, datestamp=1645763763 (Feb 25 2022 04:36:03)
    0013.364 (0) This backup set is the backup set just made, so will not be deleted.
    0013.364 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=3ae1e0815d9d, datestamp=1644554163 (Feb 11 2022 04:36:03)
    0013.364 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=1/d=1); will retain in history
    0013.364 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=9189c637825c, datestamp=1643344562 (Jan 28 2022 04:36:02)
    0013.364 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=1/d=1); will retain in history
    0013.365 (0) Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=0, nonce=09efdb8919bf, datestamp=1642218292 (Jan 15 2022 03:44:52)
    0013.365 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=1/d=1); will retain in history
    0013.365 (0) Number of backup sets in history: 4; groups (files): 1
    0013.365 (0) Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=4f7551c38989, datestamp=1645763763 (Feb 25 2022 04:36:03)
    0013.365 (0) This backup set is the backup set just made, so will not be deleted.
    0013.366 (0) This backup set is the backup set just made, so will not be deleted.
    0013.366 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=1/d=1); will retain in history
    0013.366 (0) Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=3ae1e0815d9d, datestamp=1644554163 (Feb 11 2022 04:36:03)
    0013.366 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=1/d=1); will retain in history
    0013.367 (0) Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=9189c637825c, datestamp=1643344562 (Jan 28 2022 04:36:02)
    0013.367 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=1/d=1); will retain in history
    0013.367 (0) Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=09efdb8919bf, datestamp=1642218292 (Jan 15 2022 03:44:52)
    0013.367 (0) This backup set remains non-empty (f=1/d=1); will retain in history
    0013.367 (0) Retain: saving new backup history (sets now: 4) and finishing retain operation
    0013.369 (0) Resume backup (4f7551c38989, 0): finish run
    0013.370 (0) Decremented the semaphore (fd) by 1
    0013.371 (0) Semaphore (fd) unlocked
    0013.373 (0) There were no errors in the uploads, so the 'resume' event (1) is being unscheduled
    0013.376 (0) Fetching RSS news feed
    0013.444 (0) Fetched RSS news feed; result is a: SimplePie
    0013.488 (0) Sending email ('Files and database (Full backup)') report (attachments: 0, size: 0 KB) to: marek...
    0013.490 (0) PHP event: code E_NOTICE: Undefined index: SERVER_NAME (line 3805, wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/class-updraftplus.php)
    0013.634 (0) The backup apparently succeeded and is now complete
    Plugin Author David Anderson / Team Updraft


    Those are also not of the same backup.

    Errors encountered:
    * Dropbox: failed to upload file to backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_b46166c64dee-uploads.zip (see log file for more)
    * Dropbox: failed to upload file to backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_b46166c64dee-others.zip (see log file for more)
    * Dropbox: failed to upload file to backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_b46166c64dee-uploads.zip (see log file for more)
    * Dropbox: failed to upload file to backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_b46166c64dee-others.zip (see log file for more)
    * Dropbox: failed to upload file to backup_2022-02-25-0436_Meditation_Yoga_Peace_and_Free_b46166c64dee-db.gz (see log file for more)

    The ID for that backup is b46166c64dee. But the log is a different one, 4f7551c38989:

    0000.066 (0) Backup run: resumption=0, nonce=4f7551c38989, file_nonce=4f7551c38989 begun at=1645763763 (0s ago), job type=backup
    Thread Starter mr108


    Here is the log b46166c64dee


    But the strange thing is that Dropbox is mentioned and I have changed from Dropbox to Google Drive many days before that.

    Thread Starter mr108


    Now, for the sake of just testing I have changed to make the backup every 2 hours. I’ll see what the email messages will come and what the logs will show. I’ll come back later if there is the same issue that I mentioned in the original message.

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
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