Hi @manuelbrightbridge, thanks for your message.
I think with problems authenticating, it can be something as simple as a typo on their part when Wordfence > All Options > Brute Force Protection > Immediately lock out invalid usernames is turned on. This, for example, would see anybody at the same IP locked out for the period set at “Amount of time a user is locked out” in this section also.
That’s just one idea and could be down to Brute Force or Rate Limiting needing relaxing slightly. If that doesn’t seem to be the source of the issue, by all means consult your Live Traffic page and filter by “Locked Out”, “Blocked”, or “Logins and Logouts” and expand entries using the “eye” icon. This will usually explain why there was a problem. If there are any entries you’d like help with, or the authentication issues are presenting in another way such as in-browser messages then by all means get back to me and I’ll do my best to help out.
If the users aren’t getting blocked at any stage by Wordfence and the authentication problems seem to be purely front-end, I would normally recommend them trying a private/incognito browser and/or a totally different browser to their default to see if a cache or browser extension could be causing issues with your login pages loading assets properly.
Let me know how you get on!