You can deregister the plugin’s stylesheet and register it again later in the footer. Place this code in your functions.php or use the Code Snippets plugin.
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpsf_deregister_qdbu_style', 20);
function wpsf_deregister_qdbu_style()
add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', 'wpsf_register_qdbu_style', 5);
function wpsf_register_qdbu_style()
plugins_url() . '/quick-download-button/css/style.css',
filemtime(plugin_dir_path(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/quick-download-button') . 'quick-download-button/css/style.css')
Here are some links with a bit more explanation.
To dequeue a style, it has to have been registered before you try to remove it. The best way to achieve this is to set a higher priority for your event and then run it.
You can use print_late_styles() function which is called in footer. You just need to enqueue your styles when header is already passed.
So you need to find some hook which is called on each page and after wp_head hook. For example get_footer could be one.
I should note this is a brittle solution because it requires hardcoding of the plugin name. But Quick Download Button didn’t provide any action hooks or filters to do this more cleanly.
WordPress makes use of the following constants when determining the path to the content and plugin directories. These should not be used directly by plugins or themes