• Hello,

    My theme has these JS in header code and one of them is showing a “Please wait….” while the whole theme loads. I want to remove it but I dont know which one I have to remove:

    <!-- begin javascript -->
    	<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/javascript.php"></script>
    	<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/assets/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
    	<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/assets/js/scripts.js"></script>
    	<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/assets/js/sidebartabs.js"></script>
    	<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/assets/js/prototype.js"></script>
    	<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/assets/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
    	<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/assets/js/lightbox.js"></script>
    	<!-- end javascript -->

    I want to remove that the JavaScript.

    Could you please tell me which onw should I remove?

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  • It is probably the first one but without knowing the contents it would be hard to tell. It is either the 1st or 3rd. Could you provide a link to the site?

    Thread Starter chewie49


    The site is: https://www.tecnicasderelajacion.org/

    I’d appreciate any help. The creator of the theme doesn’t respond.



    The first js file javascript.php contains the loading code. You can try removing the file or make the following changes to it:


    var clear = 'https://www.tecnicasderelajacion.org/wp-content/themes/TecnicasDeRelajacion/assets/images/clear.gif';
    var searchDefault = 'Introduzca las palabras claves aqu&iacute;';
    var videoWidth = '300';
    var videoHeight = '225';
    var autoSlide = true;
    var autoSlideSecs = 5;
    var youtubeID = 'CR3dM-GlZK8';
    var lightbox = true
    var commentName = 'Su nombre';
    var commentEmail = 'Su email (no ser&aacute; publicado)';
    var commentUrl = 'Su Web site (opcional)';
    var cssdir = 'https://www.tecnicasderelajacion.org/wp-content/themes/TecnicasDeRelajacion/assets/css/';
    var hideLoading = true;
    var loadingMessage = 'Espere por favor...';
    var imgLoading = 'https://www.tecnicasderelajacion.org/wp-content/themes/TecnicasDeRelajacion/assets/images/loading.gif';
    var imgClose = 'https://www.tecnicasderelajacion.org/wp-content/themes/TecnicasDeRelajacion/assets/images/closelabel.gif';
    var inputColor = '#000000';


    var clear = 'https://www.tecnicasderelajacion.org/wp-content/themes/TecnicasDeRelajacion/assets/images/clear.gif';
    var searchDefault = 'Introduzca las palabras claves aqu&iacute;';
    var videoWidth = '300';
    var videoHeight = '225';
    var autoSlide = true;
    var autoSlideSecs = 5;
    var youtubeID = 'CR3dM-GlZK8';
    var lightbox = true
    var commentName = 'Su nombre';
    var commentEmail = 'Su email (no ser&aacute; publicado)';
    var commentUrl = 'Su Web site (opcional)';
    var cssdir = 'https://www.tecnicasderelajacion.org/wp-content/themes/TecnicasDeRelajacion/assets/css/';
    var hideLoading = false;
    var imgClose = 'https://www.tecnicasderelajacion.org/wp-content/themes/TecnicasDeRelajacion/assets/images/closelabel.gif';
    var inputColor = '#000000';

    We are just changing the boolean from hideloading from true to false and removing the loading image.

    Hi alex.

    I would like to know the name of your theme or where buy it.

    I have a blog and do not like the theme and I’m looking for a theme like yours.

    If you want to see the theme is the link to my blog https://www.dlgtradingroom.com/blog/
    The theme is called “Revolution code Blue”
    Best regards

    Theme Name: QuickRise
    Theme URI: https://themeforest.net/item/quickrise-wordpress-theme/35202
    Description: An advanced, full-featured, magazine-style WordPress Theme created by <a href="https://darrenpangan.com/">Darren Pangan</a> and sold exclusively at <a href="https://themeforest.net/?r=rkquest">ThemeForest</a>.
    Version: 1.00
    Author: Darren Pangan
    Author URI: https://darrenpangan.com/
    Tags: blue, red, green, gray, magazine, custom style, fixed width, three columns, widgets

    is that theme

    Thanks Rev.Voodoo. How quick

    Best Regards.




    I had the same problem. At the end, just deleted it all. You can check it at: https://www.hidroterm.com.ve.

    The w3c validator was very helpfull.




    I have the same problem like chewie…
    this is the page: https://www.pymesenmexico.com

    Please any help!!

    Thank u to all!!




    Hi! Im just starting to use WordPress, and I have a little problem with my site Fiestas Infantiles , I dont want the Time appears on my web site, if someone knows something I’d be grateful., Thanks !! Alejandro

    Hi, I also I have that problem on my website, is vuelos bajo coste, please if anyone can give you appreciate the solcion.


    I much doubt, mine is the same, follow the torque response is helping to see the site is tienda radiocontrol

    Hi again! Please check my site Decoración de Fiestas, Is not being showed on google, I dont know if maybe the theme has problems. Thanks!

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