We understand you are seeing a meta tag with noindex on your site and obviously, you want to have your site indexed. Let’s see what might be going on.
We checked your homepage and could see the noindex as well, so let’s point you at a few things that might cause this to happen. First, as your homepage is a page you’ve created to be set as the homepage, please go to Pages in your left menu and find your homepage, click Edit and scroll down to the Yoast metabox and click the Advanced section open to check the first option in there. It should be set to Yes, index. Is that the currently selected option? If not, change it to Yes. Then re-check if the noindex is still present on the homepage.
Condition2: The issue persists.
Often, we see problems occur in combination with another plugin or theme. The fastest way to rule out any conflict, is to deactivate all non-Yoast plugins and switch to a standard theme like Twenty Twenty.
Please test this on your development or staging site, if you have one. If not, we recommend using the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin. This plugin has a troubleshooting mode, which does not affect normal visitors to your site.
If you’re unfamiliar with checking for conflicts, we’d like to point you to a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the process: How to check for plugin conflicts
We look forward to the results from above tests.